Saturday, August 7, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man X4 as Mega Man X - Part 4 of 9

In this entry, we fight Colonel in the Memorial Hall, then we find out that a certain someone is part of this struggle with the Repliforce and doesn't want us to win.

Wait for Colonel to stop blocking with his sword, then shoot at him as he launches three waves at you. It's always in a high-low-high pattern, but you can jump over all three of them. He'll disappear, then re-appear in front of you and slash his sword at you, so be ready to jump away from him when he shows up again. He'll then back away and shoot the waves at you again. Thankfully, that's all there is to his attack.

Once you do enough damage, you'll beat him, but you'll have to meet him again.

Split Mushroom

You start at an endless flight of stairs. You'll want to go up the stairs quickly to avoid the indestructible spiked shield robot that chases after you. Shoot down the flying robots when they raise their shields. You'll eventually come across a teleporter. Step onto it. 

In the second section, you'll meet some flying enemies that look like small fish. These guys will fly towards you, hit you, then fly away. Keep your X-Buster charged.

The flower robots are just weak turrets, while the ladybug robots slowly fly back and forth. If they move off of a ledge, they'll gently fly straight down.

The black spiked robots will crash into each other in an attempt to crush you. At least they can't kill you, but nevertheless, make your move as they're separating.

Watch out for the thorns on the walls. They count as insta-kill spikes.

The mini-boss for the first area is a purple bug robot. Charge up your X-Buster, and watch out when he stops for a brief second and activates its spikes. Every time he does this, he'll rise up and destroy the platform you're standing on, so move away, hit him with a fully-charged X-Buster shot and deal as much damage as you can before he drops back down. He'll stay up at your level for a few seconds, so before he drops back down for another platform to claim.

Once you've destroyed the mini-boss, the spikes below will disappear and you'll be able to head to Area 2.

You'll go up another stairway full of flying cannons and spiked bouncy balls...and of course, that stupid shield robot that follows you. Get on the teleporter.

The second section of the second area has the Heart Tank. The black spiked robots are back, and they're destroying the segments of the hallway you start in. One of them will succeed at the very beginning of the section. You'll want to get on the ceiling as that segment drops down, then wall jump up to the Heart Tank. You have only one shot to get this Heart Tank, and if you fail, you'll have to lose a life or play through the entire level again to get back over there.

You'll then take an elevator. Shoot down the blue robot flowers that spit bombs at you, as well as anything else that gets in your way. There will also be blue platforms that will get in your way. They will be crushed whenever the elevator runs into them, so in case you're seemingly trapped, you'll still be able to reposition yourself if you're quick. Some of the flowers will pop out, but not bloom. They won't do anything except be in the path of the elevator, so just stay away from them.

When you meet Split Mushroom, you'll find out that he's under orders to destroy you. Unlike the other Mavericks, which have a Repliforce logo below their energy meter, he's got the Sigma logo. There's your wild guess.

When Split Mushroom latches onto the wall, immediately hit him with the Lightning Web. He'll leap to the other wall, giving you free reign to repeatedly tag him with it. He can send out clones to attack you if you give him enough time, but the Lightning Web puts a stop to all that.

Beating Split Mushroom with X gives you Soul Body. This allows you to create a rainbow-colored clone of yourself, and if enemies are struck by the clone, they'll take damage. It wears out after six seconds or heavy damage.

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