Monday, August 23, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (GBA) - Part 3 of 25

In this entry, we complete our first vehicle stage, then we get some more puzzle-platformer action where we get introduced to even more new things and mechanics.

Base 3

Turtles required for this stage: Any

For this stage, you'll be on a hoverboard. Use the Control Pad to move around, jump with A and throw shurikens with B. A and B together performs a super attack that travels upwards but drains your health if you use it. If you hold B, you can throw a multi-way shuriken shot, but mashing B works better.

The first few enemy hovercraft can be destroyed easily if you just jump into the air and mash the B button to keep throwing shurikens while staying in the air for longer. Some of them will drop crystals; be ready to get them. Thankfully, they're not that hard to collect as long as you're paying attention.

If an enemy comes at you from behind, hold Left before throwing shurikens. Avoid the bombs, and get the crystals when they pop out.

Base 4

Turtles required for this stage: Leo (or Don), Mikey

The infrared beams on the ceiling that scan the floor will raise an alarm and summon guards out of the orange walls who will attack you. If you trip the alarm, hide in a doorway. The purple posts in the background acts as the farthest points that these beams can go. You can stand in front of them to avoid the beams safely.

You can stand on the droids in the second room. This will allow you to get one of the crystals, though you can get it easily with Don's super-jump once you get his bo.

There is an area to the right of the door leading to the third room that you can only reach if you have Mikey and his nunchaku. Make a running jump to the right and hold A to float, and grab the ledge when you get to it. This will also lead to another area where you will have to watch out for electrified grates. To get past the grates, press Down to hang off the narrow path, then shimmy past them. You can also use the charge attack to break the blocks below the narrow path and get some more crystals. At the far right is a crawlspace leading to a crystal. To get out from the bottom of this area, you'll need to make a wrap-around jump and grab the ledge, then pull yourself up.

In the third room, beat up the guard to get the keycard, then explore the rest of the room for crystals. To reach the area above where the droid is, you'll need Don and his bo super-jump.

To break blocks that are below you, you'll need to be either Leonardo or Donatello, have your weapon, then hold Down while charging your attack with B. Continue to hold Down while letting go of B, then

Once you enter the red keycard room, you can crawl below the first platform to exit the stage. There is another block you can break with Leo or Don if you climb up to the top. It will take one strike with Leo and two strikes with Don. You'll find yourself using Leo for his sort of purpose, especially in the later levels.

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