Tuesday, August 10, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays StarTropics II: Zoda's Revenge - Part 7 of 16

Our chase with Zoda-X leads us into the sewers...

Start by jumping your way to the east. Both tile will reveal two hearts each in case you're low on health. From there, you can go west and get two more hearts that way. If you're still low on hearts, leave the dungeon and come back. The hearts will re-spawn. When you're finally ready, go north.

The red alien creatures move around randomly and can be easily beaten. They can also between water tiles if there is only one between patches of dry land. The chakrams have much more range than the dagger, but move slightly more slowly. Watch your ammo.

In the room with the owls and small rats, go south when you can. One of the tiles will get you a potion.

From here, you'll have rafts, conveyor belt floors and gray platforms to deal with. With the gray platforms, you'll want to be fast, but you'll also want to be careful at the same time in order to get to the end of the room.

The dark green flying aliens have a three-way shot. Thankfully, the dagger takes care of them rather quickly.

In the room with the three sets of tiles in the shape of small ovals, the left-most tile in the center tile set will give you a question mark sphere that opens the way to another potion. All of the tiles sets have a pitfall in the center, however, and the one you drop down dictates where you will land in the room below. The right-most set leads to yet another potion. Once you get the potion, return to where you dropped to go north. Take the ladder. The left oval leads to two hearts, but you can only get these hearts once.

In the room with the tiles in the shape of the diamond, the right-most tile on the row second from the bottom opens the way out. From here, you'll be back in the oval tiles room. Take the left pitfall this time if you need two more hearts. If not, take the center pitfall, then go south. When you meet the dark green aliens again, head south. In this area, you can find another sign for extra lives, two hearts, more chakras and a fourth potion. Just be prepared to play it safe on the rafts and be careful on a gray platform again.

In the room full of conveyor belt tiles, you'll face Zoda-X at last. Equip the chakras and throw them at Zoda-X, and avoid the skulls that he throws. When he teleports away, stay in the middle and be ready to attack and avoid skulls. When he produces blue flames, stay away from them, as they hurt and you cannot shoot through them. Interestingly, Zoda-X turns into the alien form from the end of the last game when he dies.

Once you're back in the overworld, follow the path to get the third Tetrad and another heart for your maximum health. Go up the ladder, then talk to Holmes. Holmes will tell you that there must be a Zoda-Y and Zoda-Z, and tells you to hurry up, as you are not the only one looking for the Tetrads. The Oxford Wonder World will soon work its magic once again...

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