Wednesday, August 25, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (GBA) - Part 5 of 25

Now that we're out of the base, we have two new worlds to explore. For this video, we start off the Prison world, where things get just a little bit tougher.

From here, you can head to the Prison or the Jungle. We're heading to the Prison first.

Prison 1

Turtles required for this stage: Raph, Don

The Triceratons take a lot of damage before they go down. Some of them will attack you with whips, which have quite a bit of range to them. Others have guns, and can shoot you if they see you. All of them will grab you and choke you to whittle down your energy if you get too close, but you can mash A and B to wriggle out and fight back. You don't have to attack the first one solely with your shurikens, but I do it to make things a little easier. As for the next two, I avoid them entirely until I get my weapon. Get used to staying away from enemies and picking your battles carefully until you get your weapons later in the levels.

Floor spikes hurt you if you land on them. So don't.

Once you get your weapon, backtrack and break the blocks you passed by to get crystals.

To the sides of your weapon is a wrap-around section are creatures with a lot of brown fur and long tails. If you let them get the chance to attack, they will charge at you and it will hurt. Also, both sides of the room take you back to where you found your weapon no matter what. You need to go to the gray door where the crystals are. To get the crystals near that door, you'll need to be Raphael and use your sais to climb the wall and get them. As always, hold towards the wall and press A to latch on, then either press A to drop down or hold the direction away from the wall and press A to leap off in that direction.

The panels on the ground that launch you upwards are jump pads. If you hit the A button as soon as you land, you can get a bigger bounce. If your turtle's arms are at the sides on the way up, you've gotten the highest possible bounce. Keep pressing A to maintain that height if you need to (and there will be times later in the game where you will need to).

The pinball bumpers work much like the jump pads, but if you hit them from the sides, they will bounce you to the sides.

Once you go through the gray door, take out the Triceratons. If you have Don, you can use the Up+A super jump to get a big crystal. Otherwise, you'll have to stand on the spikes to get up there. Also, only Don can enter the green door and explore the area to get two crystals.

To the left of the green door is a bunch of pinball bumpers and jump pads. Bounce your way up and get the two crystals before entering the nearby door, beating up the two Triceratons, getting the red key and using the monitor to get on the spaceship and escape.

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