Sunday, August 8, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays StarTropics II: Zoda's Revenge - Part 4 of 16

Look, I wanted to play all the Sly Cooper games, okay?

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There's nothing else around except for some guy with a camel, so go ahead and approach the guy with the camel. You'll tell him about what's going on, and he'll offer you a camel to Rome, where you'll have to get the pizza. After a long ride, you'll see a man on a Koopa Troopa. (Do not mention Bentley. Do not mention Bentley. Do not mention Bent...dang it.) He will ask you if you know the way to the Nile, as he has a pepperoni pizza for Cleopatra, who is referred to as "our best customer." The man will give Mike the pizza after he explains everything, then leave. Mike and the camel will then head back to the barge.

From here, you can go back to Jack's hut and trade for the dagger.

Go back onto the barge. If you talk to people, everybody will be glad you have the pizza. When you enter the barge itself, you'll hand the pizza over to Cleopatra immediately. She will ravenously eat the pizza, and you'll find out that the pizza brand is Caesar's Hut (obviously a portmanteau of Little Caesar's and Pizza Hut; they've gotta be making Pizza! Pizza! great since at least double digits AD).

You'll then see Cleopatra up close and personal as she tells you that she will take you to the Tetrad. The barge will then travel west, and Cleopatra will mention the pyramid to the south. Inside is the Tetrad, but it will not be easy. If you have Tink's Axe at this point, you'll get the Dagger in trade.

The barge will then travel back east after you save your game. Travel south and you'll find both the Sphinx and the Pyramid. Enter the pyramid.

If you go north, a barrier will be in your way. You won't be able to do anything, so leave the pyramid. Two men will show up, and if you talk to them, they will tell you that you need something special to cross the pyramid's magic field, and that there is strange magic up north.

Head up north. You'll eventually come across another man who will tell you that there is a mag magician in a field beyond the reeds to the north. Head north, and you'll enter a maze.

Guess what? It's a hedge maze. As you go through this area, you'll see a monkey running around, and you'll eventually follow it to the end. If you climb up the ladders onto the wooden platforms, you'll find out where you can go. When you get off the platforms, the paths will disappear, and you'll have to remember where everything is as you feel your way around.

As you make your way out of the short first maze, you'll see a Big Heart that you'll need to pick up. As you approach the second maze, however, you'll fall down into an underground dungeon.

The one-eyed frogs will jump one space every so often. The angry dugs will spit projectiles at you. The crocodiles will slowly move around.

The two hearts will refill two hearts of your health.

The jellyfish move around in diagonal directions, and the black hippopotamus that pops in and out of the water will spit projectiles at you. (This is the part where I would be like "IT'S THE MURRAY!", but the only Sly Cooper jokes I feel like making involve a raccoon thief stuck in ancient Egypt. Stop tempting me, game.)

In the second maze, you can use the two platforms at the start to get to the Big Heart and increase your maximum health by one. From there, feel your way to the upper-right corner of the second maze to get out and fall into another underground dungeon.

In the second underground dungeon, the crocodiles will be in slightly greater numbers.

For the third maze, keep going south and west at the start. You'll be able to feel your way from platform to platform and see as much of the maze as you can. As a matter of fact, you'll need to go from platform to platform to get through this third maze as quickly as possible.

Once you're out of the third maze, you'll meet the monkey, who has been expecting you. You'll learn the Psychic Shock Wave, which can break barriers in addition to damaging enemies. You'll then return to the Sphinx and the pyramid. There is a snake here now, and if you talk to the snake, you'll learn that there is a very catchy tune in the pyramid that will come into play later.

Also, since we've reached the end of this video: Knock knock, it's Knuckles. Also, You Spin Me Round. There, I've finished the in-joke medley. You're welcome.

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