Sunday, May 31, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Kid Dracula - Part 2 of 4

This entry takes us up in the clouds, through a roller coaster and onto a pirate ship.

Level 3

Enemies in the cloud include vultures that move like Medusa heads and witches that drop bombs downwards. 

The cloud platforms move from the bottom to the top of the screen.There are some that don't move, and those will slowly descend when you put your weight on them. Be ready to get to where you need to go.

The second section is on a roller coaster. There are two platforms, and you'll have to stay on them and ride the roller coaster to the end. Along the way, you'll have to watch out for enemies that include flying robot turtles that fly forwards and cloud enemies that fly around in a circle that throw lightning bolts at you. Be sure to duck down at the first set of loop-de-loops, and switch to HMG for the second set of loops to take out the UFOs.

You'll eventually be knocked down to one platform and you'll have to deal with a guy who throws lightning bolts at you for a while. Make sure not to fall off as you avoid the lightning bolts. After that battle (which you just have to outlast), be sure to duck down when the platform leaves the track to latch on to the next track, so you don't get hit by enemies. Use HMG on the last loop to take out the UFO.

You'll eventually drop onto a cloud. Switch to HMG and power it up. You'll be fighting a giant chicken. Use the homing shoot to attack not only the giant chicken but also the chicks that it sends at you. Be sure to aim upwards so the chicks don't become a problem, and be sure to collect the coins that the chicks leave behind.

When you beat the chicken, you'll then have to fight an egg that bounces up and down as it slowly moves back and forth. The same strategy applies, you just have to dodge an egg now. When the egg cracks, take out the chicks. You're done. You'll learn UPD, which allows you to walk upside-down on ceilings for five seconds when charged up.

Game C is Rock-Paper-Scissors. It's much like what goes on in the Alex Kidd games, but it's a little harder, as you have to remember to hit your opponent afterwards with A or B, or block with Down or Left if you guess wrong. As always, paper covers rock, rock blunts scissors, and scissors cut paper. Just choose with the Control Pad, then press A to start. You get an extra life for every win you get, and you have to remember to hit your opponent in order to get credit for the win. Alex Kidd and Hirake! Ponkikki handled this better, believe it or not, and the extra steps keep me from enjoying this bonus game as much as I could have.

Level 4

Watch out for the cannons at the beginning of the level, as they track your position to some extent. Also, the scythe ghosts take two charged-up fireballs to kill. There will be sets of platforms moving around in circles, too.

Use ATT to attack the ghosts with the spears and shields to hit them from behind, destroying them instantly.

Inside the ship, watch out for the skeletons as they throw their heads at you, and walk quickly over the spike platforms to get past them. You may have to use UPD to get past a few.

The barrels just move towards you when they drop, and you can stand under where they drop to get as many coins as you want.

The circle-segmented bridges flip when you jump directly on them. Also, use charged up fireballs to take out the cannon enemies.

At one point, you'll have to go upside-down and jump on the far left of a large "bridge" segment to get to the area above. If you use UPD and go right before doing this, you'll find another heart in a box, which can bring your maximum health to five if you found the one on Level 2.

The first boss is a giant scythe ghost. Switch to HMG and aim upwards. When the boss throws its ax, be ready to jump over it and stay away from it, and keep throwing the homing attack upwards.

You'll then face the second boss: a giant robot. Go all the way to the right and stay there. When the robot is all the way to the left or right in front of you, duck down to avoid its arm when it punches at you. The rest of the time, keep jumping and aiming the homing shot upwards. As long as you keep doing this, you can beat this boss even with one hit left.

For beating this level, you get BOMB, which is an explosive attack you can charge up to blow up certain walls. You'll also get a cutscene where a bat television talks to you and gives you a message from Death where you also get the Bat Umbrella, which acts as a shield from things that try to hit you. Just switch to UMB, then charge it up. You can hold it out in front of you to shield yourself from bullets, and you can also duck to hold it above your head to keep things from hitting you from above. Before the message is complete, the message will be interrupted by one of Garamoth's goons, who tells you that he will not be easily beaten again.

Jump & Pop has you on a pogo stick with a spiked helmet on your head. Press A and B to get yourself to bounce. As you get the timing down, you'll be able to jump higher and hit higher things. The dark balloons give you nothing, but the light balloons give you 1-Ups.

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