Friday, May 8, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Operation C - Part 2 of 2

This is not a long game, by any means. It's also telling that Konami knew how broken the homing weapon was and made it so you couldn't get it back after Area 4 if you died. Still an awesome game, even if the way to beat it is "get the homing gun and keep it and you win."

Area 4

This time, you're in alien territory.

There will be slug-like enemies that pop out of the holes in the side walls that you will have to shoot down. The big egg sacs shoot out three aliens when you either shoot at them or get way too close.

There will also be alien-like worms that will pop in and out of the walls near the end. Tread carefully and be careful where you go when they show up.

The boss here is a big spider-like alien. Watch out for the laser that bounces off the sides at 45-degree angle, as well as the projectiles the boss spits out when it stops moving. As you deal more damage to the mouth, the boss will get faster. If you don't have the homing shot, just stay away, watch the lasers (and get away from the bottom center when they come out), and aim from the far south side of the screen so you can avoid getting hit by the projectiles. Otherwise, you can stay close to the mouth and take the boss down in twenty seconds like I unintentionally did.

Area 5

When the ceiling turrets shoot at you, back off and jump up to hit them when they open up. Be sure to be careful of the soldiers coming out from both sides of the screen. As for the tubes with the aliens, keep aiming up and forward as you move to take them out whenever they pop out from the background, as some of them will do just that.

If you lose the homing gun after keeping it all the way up to this point, do not get any power-ups. You will make it harder to get rid of enemies if you do.

In the vertical sections, watch out for the aliens that pop out of the tubes in the walls. When you reach the top of a vertical section and can travel horizontally again, be sure to move around a bit so you can re-center yourself.

At the elevator, jump up to get it going. Duck down, and fire only when there are enemies on-screen. As for the machines that fire lasers, duck down to avoid the lasers.

Out of the six ceiling domes, only the first, fourth and sixth shoot egg-sac like projectiles. If you don't have the homing gun, you'll be aiming and moving back and forth to avoid being hit.

The boss is some sort of fling robot. At the beginning, it will fly left and land on the left side of the screen. Go all the way to the right as it does this. When it shoots missiles, stay all the way to the right and jump over the last missile. When it moves to the right, go all the way left. Jump over the second missile. This keeps going until you deal enough damage. If you don't have the homing gun, you'll have to get shots in whenever you can.

After dealing enough damage, the boss will go left again, but will stop to float in mid-air to shoot its arms at you. Go all the way to the right as it moves, then duck down, face the boss and - if you have the homing gun, shoot while ducking to avoid the arms. If you don't have the homing shot, just duck. You'll be able to get shots in whenever you can just like in the first phase, anyway. Get some shots in, then run all the way to the right and jump over the last missile when the robot lands on the ground. After the missiles, duck again to avoid being hit by the arms as they return.

After this, the boss will go right. Go all the way to the left, then be ready to duck (and fire while facing the boss if you have the homing shot) to avoid the arms. After that, get some shots in, then run all the way to the left and be ready to jump over the second missile. Duck to avoid the arms when they return to the boss.

Once you beat the boss, the worst is over. The wall to the right will blow up. From here, keep going right. Wait for the electricity to stop firing out of the grates before passing by them. For the pairs of barriers, wait for the first (left) barrier to go down before passing through. After this, you'll fight the alien cell. Just face right and keep firing your gun until the glass tank cracks and the cell explodes. You've just beaten Operation C!

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