Monday, May 10, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Monkey Magic - Part 12 of 20

This is the exact moment that the game went from okay to exhausting. I wish I was kidding.

In this last teleporter pod area, the game is going to pull a whole load of dick moves just to make everything more difficult for the sake of it.

When you see the rock columns, you'll need to punch the rock columns in order to cross the bridge leading to a battle where the cave goes completely dark as you fight multiple Minotaurs. Why the game though this was a good idea, I have no idea. From here, you'll have to climb some columns to get to Key 1, then get back, all without being singed by flame jets.

Once you put Key 1 into Keyhole 1, you won't be able to return when you make your way further up from it. You'll have to destroy even more columns to open up some other areas in this maze. There's also an area where you have to shrink yourself and an imp, then get the imp on the floor switch, get away from the switch, shrink to get away, and then get the puzzle out of your hair. If switching spells wasn't clunky then, it certainly is now!

With the steel box platforms above the lava, you'll also have to deal with steam blasts pushing you off the platforms and into the lava. On the other side, you'll find the last book and the exit. Hope you found 80% of all the items here, or you're not saving your game despite the last bit of the Javan Mountain that you have to do.

Once you give the last book, you'll have to fight your way to Runlay. It doesn't help that the shaking caused by the earthquake makes it really difficult to figure out where things are, as there are insta-kill flame jets on the floor that will force you to do fights over.

Once you reach Runlay, hit the switch to free her. She will give you the Magic Crystal, which gives you unlimited magic. From here, it's on to the Celestial Heavens.


Control Pad:

Left/Right: move
  • duck (press Up to stand up, use Left/Right to roll)
  • move down bridges between foreground and background plane
  • grab vine/rope (use Up and Down to climb rope)
  • move down bridges between foreground and background plane

X: Jump (press again in mid-air to double jump)
Square: Attack (double-tap in mid-air for Power Rod)
Triangle: Action
Circle: Camera (hold button and use Control Pad to look around)

L1: cast spell on self
R1: cast spell on object (use with Down on Control Pad to aim down)
L2/R2: spell select

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