Monday, May 10, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Ninja Gaiden for Sega Master System - Part 5 of 8

We now know where the Castle of Darkness is...but first we have to cross some frozen tundra and deal with ice physics and some guy who looks like a wizard before we can get in there.

Chapter 5: Enemy Turf

The geisha will tell you that the Castle of Darkness is beyond the tundra.

There is ice physics here. In case you slide around, there are two things you can do: attack with your sword or jump straight up. As a matter of fact, jumping your way through the level can be a bit faster. This will come into play when you have to duck-walk through tight spaces.

Fish will leap out from under the water when you are close enough. The men with the guns will shoot at you. The red slimes can only be defeated with ninjutsu, as your sword slashes won't be able to reach them.

The snow will slow you down, so jump through it. Some ninjas will pop out of the snow to throw snowballs at you. Also, spikes will pop in and out of the floor.

The pink and purple crystals are spikes. They're beautiful, but at least they're not deadly enough to kill  you in one hit.

The boss is some guy with a red cape. He shoots a high spike, then a low spike followed by a block of ice before teleporting somewhere else on the screen. Keep this in mind as you keep attacking him. Be sure not to be above the water when you get the last blow in, or else you'll fall into the pit and be forced to do this whole battle again.

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