Friday, May 28, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 21 of 24

Our next stop on the way to Zarok's fortress is the ghost ship. Once we're here, we'll have to swashbuckle with the best of them in order to face the captain and commandeer the ship.

0:23 - The cutscene for The Ghost Ship.

1:57 - Looks like the crew knows we're here...and they're not happy.

3:00 - Beating up the guys in blue will get rid of all their henchmen for good. The guys in the black jackets, however, will keep coming back.

3:30 - After getting the blue rune, don't forget to go back to the start and get the Star Rune.

4:20 - Dropping down here will net you a little bit of treasure in addition to a shortcut.

5:40 - Run past to get the red rune.

6:30 - After some platforming, drop down for some energy if you need it.

7:00 - You also want to find the commanding officer below to get some energy. Afterwards, go left through an opening and avoid the cannonballs to backtrack a bit, get back on the spinning set of platforms and get in the cage. The Chalice is to the left of the cage. When you get back in the cage, jump right up and over with a wrap-around jump to get out.

11:37 - Get the club and light it up. Light up the fuses on the cannons with the lit club while holding Square and moving back and forth between the fuses as quickly as possible. If the skeleton crew rises, switch to the Magic Sword and fight them off, then switch back to the club and focus on the Captain again. Once the Captain loses all his energy, you're done. Walk up to the end of the ship and you'll be finished with the level.

14:00 - This visit to the Hall of Heroes nets us a lot of gold.

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