Thursday, May 27, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 9 of 38

In this episode, we continue to explore the Blarg Tactical Station for a few more things, including the Hydrodisplacer. Also, Quick Select becomes a bit more useful.

Remember the spaceship controls with the levers near the start of the Blarg Station? We're going to use it now. These controls will take you to a decommissioned Blarg warship, where you'll find a useful gadget. Press Triangle to board the shutter and go to the warship.

From here, enter the door to the right. From here, you'll be forced in a certain direction as you explore. Use the Pyrocitor to destroy the brown creatures that are walking around. At the end of the path is a big, shiny red button, and if you press Triangle in front of it, you'll activate the self-destruct sequence. You'll have 45 seconds to get out before the warship blows up on you, and on the way back, aliens will eat at you and the gas vents that shoot poisonous gas out will start working again. Concentrate solely on long jumping your way out. You'll find the Infobot on the other side, and when you get to it, you'll bring the shuttle safely back to the start.

The Infobot contains a special news report from Planet Rilgar, where amoeboid creatures have been running amok in the midst of the upcoming hoverboard races. You can finally head to Planet Rilgar.

Before we do that, we still have more to explore here. There is a Trespasser (Trasspasser? Transpasser?!?) part with another Invinco-Lock near the start

6:58 - This one is easy if you know how. For the outer ring, you'll want the lasers at 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock. For the middle ring, the lasers need to be at 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock. For the inner ring, the lone laser needs to be at 6 o'clock. If you've see everything up right, you'll create a triangle of lasers with the blockers on the inside of the "triangle."

By opening this lock up, you'll be able to explore the space station. Unfortunately, this takes you out into the vacuum of space, and Ratchet won't be able to breathe you'll have to send Clank out there.

Be very careful as you explore once you take the elevator down, as there is a bottomless pit below and the paths are narrow. Use the right analog stick to keep the camera on Clank at all times.

Clank only has a few hits, and he's not very strong, though he can still do things. Square lets you punch, X lets you jump, and you can still move freely with the D-Pad or left analog stick.

You can press and hold X in the middle of a jump to glide with the Heli-pack as Clank. You can perform this move much like you did Ratchet's double jump.

Much like Ratchet, Clank can also grab onto ledges and shimmy to the side as he holds on. The controls for Clank are the same as with Ratchet.

You'll eventually come across an alien, and if you try to fight it as Clank, you'll be overpowered. Thankfully, you can explore the room to find some Gadgebots. Break them free of their glass domes, and they will be yours to command. To command them, hold down Triangle and pick from one of four commands: Wait, Follow, Attack or Enter. This works much like Ratchet's Quick Select.

Wait (Yellow): commands the Gadgebot(s) to stand still and wait for further instructions. This will cause the lights on the Gadgebot(s) to turn yellow as they wait for the next command.

Enter (Blue): commands the Gadgebot(s) to enter a silo. There are silos near doors, and if enough Gadgebots enter them, these doors will be opened. The lights on the Gadgebot(s) will be blue when entering a silo.

Follow (Green): commands the Gadgebot(s) to follow Clank. The lights on the Gadgebot(s) will be green as they follow. 

Attack (Red): commands the Gadgebot(s) to attack nearby enemies. The lights on the Gadgebot(s) will turn red when they go on the warpath. Gadgebots can be defeated, but if you go back to where you found them, they will have re-spawned. You can then command them to follow you to get them back in the fray, so don't worry about losing Gadgebots forever in case you lose one.

From here, you can sic the four Gadgebots on the nearby alien to attack. Again, Gadgebots can be defeated, but if you go back to where you found them, they will have re-spawned. You can then command them to follow you to get them back in the fray, so don't worry about losing Gadgebots forever in case you lose one.

You'll then need to play the Gadgebots in a small silo. The silo will have the number "4" above it. If all the Gadgebots you just found enter it, you'll be able to continue.

At the other end of the silo is the Hydrodisplacer. This will allow you to drain and fill huge pools of water out of certain sections in Insta-Faucets and Insta-Drains. While there are no faucets or drains in this area, there are some in others.

Now that you've got what you came for, you can now leave and head back to the start where Ratchet is waiting. Thankfully, a new bridge opens up once you get the Hydrodisplacer, making this easier.

Once you get the Hydrodisplacer back to Ratchet, you'll have more than eight things to switch to. This is where the Quick Select menu on the pause screen options comes in. Select the weapon or gadget you want to assign with the D-Pad or left analog stick, then press L1 and R1 to switch positions on the ring in the upper right. When you have the slot you want to put the weapon or gadget at highlighted, press X to put that weapon or gadget in that slot.

If you don't want to put a weapon or gadget in Quick Select but still want to use it without putting it in Quick Select, there is always the Weapons menu and Gadgets menu on the pause screen menu. Use the D-Pad or left analog stick to select what you need, then press X to equip it. Un-pause the game, and you're free to use that weapon or gadget.


As Ratchet: 

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
  • Up and Down: switch rings
  • Left and Right: rotate rings
  • Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

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