Thursday, April 29, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Monkey Magic - Part 1 of 20

I find it hard to believe this anime got a video game, and I also find it hard to believe the game - and the anime - got an American dub and release, given that the anime got cut down at only 13 episodes due to low ratings in Japan when they were going for 52.

The story begins with a meteor containing a being crashing into Flower Fruit Mountain. When the meteor lands, the meteor splits open to reveal a young monkey named Kongo. As this happens, the demons of the underworld and their leader, Dearth Voyd, become aware of Kongo's entry into planet Earth, and Dearth Voyd sends Batty, an evil bat, to spy on Kongo after becoming aware of Kongo's power and draw him to the dark side in an attempt to wipe out the Guardian's teachings forever.

Years later, as Kongo is trying to become the strongest warrior there is, Batty tells Kongo that they key to doing just that is to achieve divine power, and that he must start by climbing up a mountain to train under Master Subodye. From here, the game begins.

Enter Stone Monkey

Find Subodye's school and master your magic power

You'll crash land in a meteor, then you'll be able to control Kongo. Your health is in the upper-left corner of the screen.

When you head to the right, you'll meet Batty. Batty will give you hints on how to play the game early on, and will also show up to give you hints if you get stuck at certain points.

The lanterns are checkpoints. If you run into one, you will return to it when you lose a life.

To cross bridges leading to platforms in the foreground or background, use Up and Down on the Control Pad.

The turnips are used to refill a little bit of health, so be sure to turn to them when you need to in order to stay alive.

Be sure to jump clear over the bear traps, as they will instantly kill you if you move into them.

Keyholes will need keys to unlock paths to other areas. You'll need to find the key, which will have a number on it, first. Then, you'll need to place it into the keyhole that shares its number with the Triangle button.

If you press and hold X while jumping on a trampoline, you'll keep gaining height on your jumps up to a certain point. Be careful at high heights, as you will drop like a stone and take fall damage if you fall from too high an elevation.

Gordian Knots will not only refill your health completely, but they will refill your magic. (More on that later.) Monkey Icons will refill your health completely and give you an extra life...and you're going to need as many lives as you can get.

There are points where you can break rock walls with Square to open up areas where you can find power-ups.

When you see the beehives, keep running and do not stop. Eventually, you will come to a point where the bees stop chasing you, and it is usually another beehive. If the bees hit you, it is instant death.

Pressing Down lets you duck. If you press Up, you'll stand back up. While crouched, use Left and Right to roll. This will get you across some narrow crawlspaces in this level.

By pressing X in mid-air, you can do a double jump.

Sometimes, if you grab a lone turnip, other power-ups will pop up around it. Be sure to explore the levels as best as you can to grab as many power-ups as you can.

By holding Circle, you can move the game camera around slightly with the Control Pad. Use this to look for platforms and to figure out where you need to go next.

You can move crates by moving into them.

Use Down at the top of a rope or vine to climb down. Use Up and Down to climb up and down ropes and vines. It should be noted that if you use the camera button while on a rope or vine, you will still move if you hold Up or Down, so be careful.

You'll eventually Subodye's School of Magic. Here, you'll have to fight three disciples in order to get entry to the school. The first is Beedy, who uses his martial arts. Get close to him and keep punching to defeat him while holding towards him, and use the double jump to avoid getting hit. Bidey will use nunchaku. Double jump over him as he attacks, then mash Square while holding forward when you're behind him. Bodey will attack with a staff. He is slow to swing, so get him to swing, then get near him after he attacks and hold forwards on the Control Pad while pressing Square. You'll soon have all three disciples beaten. Just enter the school, and the level is over.

When you complete a level, you'll see how well you did on items. Here, you'll just see how many turnips, Gordian Knots and monkey icons you collected, then you'll see what your rank is, which has no bearing on how the rest of the game will go. You'll then be able to save your game before going to the next level.


Control Pad:
  • Left/Right: move
  • Down: 
    • duck (press Up to stand up, use Left/Right to roll)
    • move down bridges between foreground and background plane
  • Up:
    • grab vine/rope (use Up and Down to climb rope)
    • move down bridges between foreground and background plane

X: Jump (press again in mid-air to double jump)
Square: Attack
Triangle: Action
Circle: Camera (hold button and use Control Pad to look around)

L1: cast spell on self
R1: cast spell on object (use with Down on Control Pad to aim down)
L2/R2: spell select

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