Wednesday, April 21, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Game Boy) - Part 3 of 6

We've taken down Stupid. Now it's time to go after Psycho, and it's not going to be easy.

Scene 3

You'll be back in front of Eddie Valiant's office. Re-equip the Punch Hammer, then go ahead and talk to Eddie. He'll tell you to go get Greasy and to use the streetcar to get to him. Talk to him again, and you'll get the ticket for the street car.

From Eddie Valiant's office, go back to the factory. It will be open this time. Go in and take down the weasels as you make your way through, then grab the carrot and talk to the guy on the other end. You'll get a Toon Gun, but you'll need bullets for it. Leave the factory.

From the factory, head back to Valiant's office, then go one screen east and all the way south. Go east so you don't get shot up, then enter the streetcar building and talk to the guy inside. From there, walk into the door of the streetcar to take the rails all the way to the other side.

At the other side, re-equip the Punch Hammer go one screen east and one screen north. This takes you to the T. Club. Nobody will talk to you, and if you talk to Dolores, she will tell you that Greasy has threatened all of them into silence.

From the T. Club, go west, then north. You'll enter a building. The two men in the building will tell you that you will need a Toon Gun and that you will need ammunition for it.

When you leave from the other side, follow the path. Around here, you'll find Benny the Taxi in the impound lot to the west, but you won't be able to free him yet. Instead, keep going north to the tall building. Go up the stairs, and press A at the drawers of the desk to collect Toon Gun bullets. Fill all the way up to nine with the desk drawers. The men in the building will tell you to shoot down Greasy's balloons, and that Toon Gun ammo is hidden in the building. As you near the top, equip the Punch Hammer so you can get past the weasels.

At the top of the building, shoot down Greasy's balloons with the Toon Gun and avoid his bombs. After two successful hits, Greasy will go down. Go all the way back down the building, and you'll find Greasy lying on the floor. Talk to him, and you'll find Psycho is staking out Valiant's office. You'll also proceed to Scene 4 and you'll also get the Speedy Shoes.

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