Thursday, April 22, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Game Boy) - Part 4 of 6

This scene is shorter than the ones we've played so far, but Psycho is dead set on rubbing you out.

Scene 4

You start out in front of the T. Club. Go inside and talk to the guy at the table. He will tell you that Baby Herman was looking for you. One of the other customers will tell you that Psycho has a Harbor Pass - which you'll need - and that you'll need a car to catch Psycho, who is always driving around.

Head back to Valiant's office. To do that, go south from the T. Club, go west, then take the streetcar to the other end of town. Remember to re-equip your weapon every time you take the street car. Once you're at Valiant's office, go in. Watch out for any enemies, especially weasels who hide in trash cans and throw trash around. Talk to Baby Herman, and he will tell you about Benny, who you saw tied up earlier near where you met Greasy. He will give you an ax, as he is not strong enough to cut Benny's chains.

From here, go back to the streetcar and take it to the west side of town. Go back to the T. Club, then go west and follow the path. At the fork in the road past where the guys who talk about the Toon Gun are, go west to enter the impound lot and use the axe in front of Benny's chain. Benny will thank you and give you a whistle, which replaces the ax.

Go back to Valiant's office. From here, go talk to Eddie. He will tell you to stay in the building and keep an eye out for Psycho. You'll eventually see him, and Eddie and Roger will go outside. You'll automatically use the whistle, and you'll ride in Benny the Taxi for a boss battle. Get close to Psycho and hit him with the Punch Hammer, and try not to be behind him when he tosses the bombs backwards so you don't get hurt. When you beat Psycho and send him off the road, you'll get the Harbor Pass and go on to Scene 5.

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