Thursday, April 8, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil 2 - Part 17 of 19

Now that we're in the cathedral, it's time to round up the last of the Lost Souls, destroy the demon in here, and hightail it out of here.

Cathedral Spires, the Descent

0:16 - You'll need to run and jump on and off the cathedral and use the Daring Dash to ensure you get on it. Hit the lever on the chandelier twice, get the two Lost Souls, then hit the switch three more times to reach the bottom. Destroy the grey suits of armor much like you did the green ones.

1:58 - When you grab the Lost Soul, all these beast statues come to life. Destroy them all by swinging at them wildly with the Magic Sword as you run while staying away from the mouth beams to continue on.

2:40 - Go all the way down and take out the suits of armor, then go down...

3:09 - Get the Lost Soul and the last Life Bottle of the game, then start wrecking the beast statues.

4:00 - Heal up if you need to, then...

4:48 - ...go back up and start utilizing these platforms. Blow away the gargoyles with the Gatling gun, then go through the door they were near.

5:25 - Grab the gold, buy stuff from the Spiv if you need to, then hit the switch to lower the chandelier. Get on the chandelier, hit the switch on it twice, then make a Daring Dash jump to get the Golden Cog. From there, make a Daring Dash jump all the way back so you can get back to the platforms.

7:08 - Use the platforms to climb further to the top. The one in particular that I use first leads to a Lost Soul, and the other has a Gargoyle. The last two Lost Souls will be on the on the platforms where the cylinders for the platforms roll around. You should have all of the Lost Souls after this point.

9:37 - Go back to the room past the Life Bottle and use the Golden Cog on the giant gears. Now when you hit the nearby switch, you can rotate the room 90 degrees. Do this once.

10:03 - Go in the room to the left of the giant gears and go to the opening directly across from where you climbed down from. 

10:44 - From here, place your head on the hand and enter the opening in the center. Carefully run and jump your way across the gears and move across the narrow platforms. Get the Golden Cog, then jump on the nearby gear that is moving. You'll be launched to the way out.

12:00 - Once you get your head back on your body, go back to the first room and hit the switch twice. This will allow you to put the Golden Cog in the mechanism in the second room. From there, go back to the switch and hit it two more times.

12:52 - In the second room, hit the switch three times. This will allow you to enter the next room. From here, go up the ladder to the next opening to destroy the evil demon that is in the next room with the Lost Souls. You'll get the spell page that Palethorn needs to complete the spell book, but you'll need to get out of here in 60 seconds!

13:59 - The rotating rooms are easy, as the openings will all be in place. Once you're out of them, start using the Daring Dash to avoid the falling debris.

14:29 - Turn right, then turn right again to get out of this huge room.

14:40 - Hit the switch in the center of the room three times to lower the chandelier. Get on the chandelier and hit the switch. When you reach the top, make a Daring Dash jump to the door. You've made it!

Once you enter the next area, save your game!

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