Wednesday, April 21, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Dynamite Duke (GEN/MD) - Mission 2

We head to a city for the next mission. Thankfully, things are a little easier, though not by much.

Mission 2: Occupied Town

There are more enemies to shoot down, and things such as "Don't Walk" signs, mailboxes and parking meters can be shot down for power-ups.

Some of the enemies will throw bombs at you; these will do damage regardless of whether you have a vest on or not.

The chopper will move from side to side and lower itself before shooting at you; shoot at it as it flies around and duck and move to avoid the shots after it lowers.

The boss here is a man with a flamethrower. Avoid the flamethrower when the guy is far away, and when he gets into close quarters, strike him and get away when he rears back. When he points his gun to shoot a flame, duck under it and move in to punch him. If he flashes, you'll have to move quickly to avoid getting hit by the flamethrower (which thankfully doesn't hurt that much). If he ever moves back to the background, avoid the flames and get your shots in.

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