Sunday, April 11, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Secret Agent Barbie: Royal Jewels Mission - Part 2 of 4

In this entry, we head to China, where more of the game's gadgets come into play. The Robot Spy Puppy is pretty versatile in this game.

The Wrist Glider is used to glide from one spot to another with a grappling hook and reach places that are too high to jump to. Just go up to the Wrist Glider icon, face the direction you want to go and press B to glide in that direction. Holding Left or Right while in motion gives you a little bit more distance.

The Robot Spy Puppy is used to not only distract guards with a barking noise by pressing the A button, but you can use it to scout ahead and reach places Barbie can't go or fit into. To get it to fly away, press B. If you need to keep the The best part about this gadget is that you can use it to get some Secret Files from below if you have a hard time getting them, and I really cheese that in this Let's Play.

The Short Circuit mini-game was covered in the first video, but you'll get a description of it in the training section at this point. In later levels, you'll have to deal with more than one blue square (or as the game calls them, "chips").

The Slip Lock allows you to change the game difficulty.


City Streets

You'll be using the Wrist Glider to get on some of the roofs, and you'll be looking through every nook and cranny to find all eight Secret Files here. Also, be ready to use the Robot Spy Puppy to get some of the guards out of your way.

Secret Hideout

Here, we're looking for the Secret Files. That's it. That's why we're here. Don't forget that you can still use the Robot Spy Puppy and the Smoke Screen Compact to distract and stun guards respectively while hiding in doorways.

Golden City

It is revealed that Camille is going to steal the Imperial Emeralds.

You do not want the flying security droids to touch you in any way; having that happen causes you to take damage.

You'll be using the Robot Spy Puppy to get most, if not all, of the Secret Files here.

From here on out, you'll have to deal with more than one chip during the Short Circuit mini-games.

The Palace

Instead of a driving stage, you have yet another side-scrolling area. You've got nine Secret Files to pick up around here, and you'll be moving up and down and all around to get through this area and find all the Secret Files.

You'll also see a new mini-game. Blue circles will move onto a spinning disc in the circle, then they will be launched. You will need to catch them with the pink goals at the sides to complete the mission and open whatever the terminal has locked tight. Just watch where the balls go and you'll be all right. As you progress through the game, you'll have to catch more blue balls.

When you complete the mission, you'll find out that Imperial Emeralds are gone.

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