Friday, October 16, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry! - Part 19 of 20

We head to the villa to try to get that date with Faith, but Larry finds out who the real mastermind behind everything is...

Go back to the bar and click on the metal rod next to the fireplace. This is really a mechanism that opens the fireplace and reveals the secret passage. You'll be at the villa.

Go ahead and take the Nac Gniretaw, which is the backwards-nozzled watering can. 

If you click on the Penis Fly Trap near the scribbled window, you'll get another "death" screen.

If you go behind the villa, you can grab the really big eraser. There is a giant eggplant, but you won't be able to take it. Use the Nac Gniretaw on the eggplant bush to remove all the moisture out of the bush. You can now take the giant eggplant. Go back to the villa and use the giant eggplant on the fly trap to put it out of commission. From here, you can use the really big eraser on the scribbled window to make the window real. Click on the window to enter the villa.

In the villa, follow Faith by clicking on the doors that she goes through, since you can't use the stairs. Faith will eventually access a secret room by hitting a panel which moves a painting. Click on the hidden switch to the right of the painting on the right. You'll find the door. Click on the door to open it, then click it again to go in. Larry will suddenly be attacked.

Larry will suddenly be in a cage, and B.J. will tell Larry that he won't be able to ruin his plans to control the world and make it look like Faith was behind everything. Regardless of which dialogue option, B.J. will trigger a self-destruct mechanism. You can click on the handcuffs, but you won't be able to click on things such as the handcuffs on the wall, the lock, the Faith, the red button, the mini-guillotine on the table and the bear trap, but yo won't be able to do anything. The place will eventually explode, and after an Instacrap cutscene, the villa explodes.

You'll then come to at the alpaca pen, and you'll get an achievement ("Thanks for the cactus"). El Rey will tell you that the cactus gave you a vision. You'll find out what can happen, and that you'll need "the key." El Rey will then give you a key and tell you that it is "the key to salvation." The key will be the only item you have, as all the other items you had are now gone.

Do everything you did before. Go through the secret passage. A few things will change. Take the watering can, which is now normal. The penis fly trap is now a garbage an with some sort of creature in it, and the nearby window is now real.

If you go behind the villa, the eraser is now a brick that you ca take, and the giant eggplant is now a paddle. Much like how you used the Nac Gniretaw on the eggplant bush in order to take the eggplant, you'll need to use the watering can on the dry soil to loosen up the ground around the paddle in order to take the paddle.

Use the paddle on the garbage can to close the can, then use the brick on the window to break it. When you enter the villa, you'll have nothing to chase. Just click on the center door and you'll be on the lower floor. The hidden switch will now be to the left, and once you click on it, you can then enter the secret door like you did last time. Once again, you'll get beaten up and put in a a cage

Instead of being the only person in a cage, BJ is in a cage near you. Faith will reveal herself as the true mastermind of Prune and explain how the PiPhone prototype ended up in Lefty's Bar. Go through all the dialogue options, then Faith will leave. Ue the key on the lock to get out, then press the big red button to go through the door. You can talk to B.J., but it doesn't get you anywhere and you won't be able to help him, anyway. Once you go through the door, however, it is also doubles as a self-destruct mechanism.

Go through the center door, then go through the window when you're back on the upper level. Go back behind the villa, and you'll catch up with Faith. By going through the dialogue options, you'll find out that the villa is about to self-destruct just like in the dream. After the next dialogue option, you can choose to tell Faith to go either left or right. If you pick left, the bust of Faith you saw earlier will not fall on her; if you pick right, it does. Afterwards, you'll have one more dialogue option, then you'll get the last Instacrap cutscene where the high striker puck from the funfair lands on Faith's head, knocks her out and sends her falling into the boat, which falls into the ocean and moves away.

You'll then be in Lefty's new bar, and you'll find out that BJ is alive (and if you ask how he got free, he tells you that the cage broke on impact). After one last dialogue option, you'll get new matches on Timber as well as an achievement ("Done!"). You'll then get the credits, and if you sit through them, you'll get one last achievement ("Nice guys finish last"). You just beat the game!

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