Tuesday, October 6, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry! - Part 3 of 20

In this entry, we check out the Timber app and check out the rest of New Lost Wages.

From here, leave Prune. You'll find out you have some new matches. If you want to, use the Timber app and check out your matches. You can also see some suggested picks. Click the X if you don't like them, and click the heart if you do. This is just for fun and has no bearing on storyline advancement at all.

You also have a new place to go to on the Unter app: the New Lost Wages strip. There are a few places you can go to, and on the far left is Salon du Lezard.

You'll be able to talk to a few people here. First off is Atticus and Everitt, the two hipsters at the counter. If you ask for a beer, you'll be able to find out that the Salon du Lezard is a vegan bar and that there is free gluten-free bread to try out. Ask for a latte, and you'll find out that the soy milk for the latte has expired. Larry will ask for it and get it. Ask if the bread is free, and you'll get some free bread. From there, you can ask more questions or stop talking to them.

You'll also meet Lemma Tallica, who you've seen on the Timber app. You'll find out she likes having a good time after every performance and only uses Timber to get people to come to her concerts. You'll be able to spend some time with her after the gig, but you'll have to do two things for her: hang up posters around town and find her drummer, who has not shown up for soundcheck after heading to a bear on the beach. Larry will only be able to hang posters up...for now. Speaking of which, there is a spot near Atticus and Everitt where you can stick one already.

Talk to Lemma about the drummer. You'll find out that her drummer is needed for her gig, and that he wanted to go for a drink in a bar near the beach. 

From here, leave Salon du Lezard. To the right is The Leisure Suite, which is a sex shop. You'll meet Dick Ryder - who you've matched with on Timber - who will get your attention when you go in. Dick is ready to mingle with Larry, though Larry isn't aware of this at first. Dick Ryder wants to help you out by doing a photo shoot to give you a better photo for your Timber profile. You'll need to find a place to take some photos at first.

At the top of the shelf to the right of the doors leading back to the strip is a white dildo wearing a Where's Waldo?/Where's Wally? hat. If you click on it, you'll get an achievement ("Found Him!").

There is a Horny-Corn 4000 on the far right, and while you'll be able to take the head, you won't be able to leave with it...yet.

At the counter is Bea Thuse, the proprietor of the Leisure Suite...and she's hilarious. Be sure to talk to her, even though you won't have a lot of dialogue options. 

If you go to the back room, Bea Thuse will stop you again. At the dialogue prompt, pick the second option ("I bet back there is where all the really kinky perverted stuff happens!"). Bea Thuse will try to wave you off, but Pi will reveal that another store is in the back. You'll be able to go in and find out that she has run a QuikiMart on the side for years to keep the Leisure Suite from shutting down. You won't be able to take anything from the PrunePal section of the store...yet. There is also a slushee machine, but you won't be making use of that, either.

You can put up a poster on the counter of the Leisure Suite, but Bea Thuse will stop you before you can do it. If you tell her it is an advertisement for a new sex toy, however, she'll let you put it up. From here, you can get some more dialogue options. Ask her if she has a really great sex machine in stock, and she will tell you about a jackhammer she once used as a sex toy but has since been worn down.

To the right of the Leisure Suit is the gym. You can also talk to Ptheven, the guy at the gym counter, but you won't be able to do much. There are two places to stick a poster: near the door and the front of the building.

From here, head back to Lefty's. If you hang a poster on the trash cans outside of Lefty's Bar, you'll get an achievement ("Lazybones"). Be sure to get that before posting a poster on the front of the building. There is also a stray dog chewing on a bone who will come into play later.

You can place a poster on teh wall above the electric outlet where the jukebox is plugged in. There's also a place to hang one in the back room. If you hang a poster on the back room wall of Lefty's Bar, however, you'll uncover the pimp from the first game, who is now dead and in skeletal form after being walled-in. You can take his gold tooth.

The moist wall in Lefty's bathroom can be used for poster hanging, but you'll need to use the darts after putting the poster up to ensure it stays up. The darts are on the dartboard near the bathroom door; click on the board to get them. When you use them, Larry will keep a dart for later.

There is one more place to put a poster...for now. That is Prune Headquareters. There is an empty poster board propped up on the right dome; you can place a poster there.

From here, go back to Lefty's and ask Lefty about Lemma's drummer. Unfortunately, Lefty has no recollection of a drummer, and asks you to find out more about the drummer.

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