Saturday, October 17, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Part 13 of 20

I get everything in Boggy Swamp, then unintentionally mess it up trying to warp to the entrance by loading my save file - without saving the last few Precursor Orbs to the memory card - only to fail miserably. Thankfully, this gets fixed, but I didn't put two and two together until I watched these videos again.

1:47 - This path leads to some rat nests as well as a house where a hillbilly lives. He tells you that the Lurkers have scared off his pet hedgehog Farley and stealing the food he leaves out to get Farley back. You'll then have to play a mini-game where you'll have to shoot down Lurker rats to help Farley get back. Use the left analog stick to aim and keep pressing Square to aim. If even one of the cupcakes get nabbed, you'll have to start all over again. Thankfully, you have infinite Yellow Eco, so just keep on shooting while Lurkers are on the screen and keep a good watch on the entire area so the Lurkers don't pull a fast one on you. You'll get a Power Cell for your efforts when you succeed.

6:08 - Even more things to destroy for Orbs and health. Also, the seventh and last Scout Flyer is here. Enjoy your power cell.

7:01 - Here are some more Precursor Orbs. Further down the road is the third tether and the Power Cell that comes with it. The pairs of "mushroom" platforms are like a scale; you stand on one and lower it, and you'll raise the other.

9:35 - Destroy the nest here to get the last of the stuff and return to the beginning.

12:38 - The last of the Precursor Orbs and the last tether. Watch me get the tether and the Power Cell, then get the Precursor Orbs and forget to save my game afterwards and then load to try to go back with the entrance - unsuccessfully - without the last few Orbs in my possession, because this is only the second game I've recorded with a capture device. (I do go back to get those Orbs near the end of the Let's Play, however. Just so you know.) Also, those bats do strike if you get too close.

18:02 - The gondola is now reactivated!

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