Sunday, October 18, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle (Game Boy) - Part 2 of 10

Now is the time that the game's difficulty increases a bit. Don't expect another video where I blow through a ton of levels in record time like I did in the first one again.

When you get the glove in Stage 15, kill Sylvester as soon as possible. Don't do what I did and wait for him to get to the top, throw the glove and hope you don't get killed.

Go straight for the glove in Stage 16 and take out a Sylvester. Yosemite Sam will still be a pain, but at least a Sylvester won't be flanking him most of the time.

In Stage 17, get the glove and all the carrots below the starts, then use the glove to take out Daffy. From there, Sylvester will keep going up. Keep driving him up until you're at the second floor from the top, then move left. When Sylvester starts dropping down. go all the way back down to the level where Daffy was and get up to the top as fast as you can and get all the carrots in the top half of the stage.

In Stage 18, grab the glove and go down as soon as possible to get the carrot juice. Take out one of the Sylvesters on the left half, then use the glove you found and the glove on the other side to take out the two Sylvesters on the right half.

You'll need to use the boxing glove on Daffy in Stage 19, but if you can somehow get around him, use it against Yosemite Sam.

For Stage 20, grab the boxing glove as quickly as possible, then go down and left and take out Daffy. From there, get all the carrots on the left side before getting all on the right side.

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