Monday, October 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Kirby Super Star - Part 4 of 14

Now it's time for Revenge of Meta Knight. This is probably the most bad-ass of the games, and I'm surprised that this didn't get its own game later on.

Revenge of Meta-Knight

Save Dream Land! Defeat Meta-Knight and his giant warship Halbert!

The opening cutscene shows Meta Knight wanting to take over Dream Land with the Halbert in an attempt to end its lazy lifestyle. Kirby flies out towards the Halbert in an attempt to stop them.

Throughout the game, there are text prompts throughout the game that you can go through with the A button. Also, all the levels are on a timer, and you'll have to get through the levels before the timer reaches zero.

Level 1

Here, you'll be hitting switches and going down ladders and elevators to get through the ship. To work an elevator, pressing Up and Down to control it.

You'll face Heavy Lobster at the end. Keep away from Heavy Lobster, and spit its miniature clones at it when it sends them at you. This battle won't last long, as you'll be blown into the ocean, where Level 2 begins.

Level 2

Here, you'll be making your way to the right as the Halberd flies away in the background. You'll eventually enter a cave that auto-scrolls upwards once you enter. As you go, the level scrolls faster and faster until you reach the end. The spiked ball will shock you if you run into it. After this, you'll be able to choose between Wing, Bomb and Parasol (or skip the power-ups entirely)

The boss here is Whispy first. It's the same battle as in Spring Breeze, but when you beat hi, you'll get two Whispy Woods. Dodge the air pellets and send the apples at them, but watch out for when they spin around and drop worms, as well as when they attack you by trading segments of themselves with each other.

After this, you'll fly towards the Halberd only to be knocked out of the sky and into the forest.

Level 3

Here, you'll be entering and climbing the inside of a tree. There is a hidden door that leads to a Maxim Tomato, but watch out for the Shotzo. There is also another room that takes you to a 1-Up as well as the choice between Cutter, Sword and Fighter.

Eventually, you'll be able to choose between Ice and Cutter in the next section, and you'll be facing two Bonkers at the same time. Be sure to get Hammer if you want to get food for you and your helper as well as other abilities.

You'll have a section where you'll have to go up to make it to the boss, then you'll have to use Fire to light a cannon fuse to beat the level. It's always the right cannon. Also, if you still have Hammer at this point, Up + Y lets you light the fuse without using Fire.

You'll meet Dyna Blade, then you'll fly onto the Halberd...successfully this time.

Level 4

When you land on the Halberd, Dyna Blade will be shot down, but you'll be back in enemy territory. After the first section, you'll face some of Meta Knight's goons, then you'll take the elevator to the twin cannon. Before you fight the twin cannon, you'll face Poppy Bros. Sr. as well as a karate mini-boss who will try to grab and throw you in addition to throw energy projectiles at you. He gives you Suplex if you beat and swallow him.

You'll be able to choose Fire, Yo-Yo and Beam (or none of them) and get a full heal before fighting the twin cannon. You can suck up the cannon's cannonballs as well as the bombs that the hand drops. When you see the lower cannon open up, duck to avoid the laser, and make sure the floor doesn't raise up on you so you get hit by it. The hand that drops the bombs will also grab you, and can either slam you into the ground or position you in front of the laser.

Level 5

Here, Kirby goes into the left wing of the Halbert to wreak havoc. Watch the air current as you jump from one place to another, and defeat Chilly the walrus to blow up part of the ship.

Level 6

Here, Kirby will be in the ducts. Be sure to slide under the door when you hit the first switch. There will be a door leading to the next area, but if you continue left, the screen will scroll up. Go up the door that you find at the top to enter the armory to select between several abilities and get a full heal.

You'll eventually face Heavy Lobster at last...but you'll have to outrun it first. Get rid of the star blocks blocking your path, then make your way to the top. Heavy Lobster will be able to fight you much like it did last time, but you'll get other attacks such as a flamethrower to avoid and a red blob to either spit at it or swallow to get the Paint ability. If you get Paint, press Y to use the one-time Paint attack and paint Heavy Lobster red in addition to blinding it. This makes Heavy Lobster more unpredictable, but it still makes it a sitting duck.

Level 7

Now that the right wing is damaged, it's time to go under the ship. If you enter the circle-shaped circle with the food surrounding it at the beginning with Up, you'll find a hidden room with a few poewr-ups as well as invincibility, food and a battle with both Buggsy and Chef Kawasaki at the same time.

Once you're inside the ship again, you'll have to hit some switches to get around, then you'll have to take an elevator to get down. If you can some how enter the door surrounded by blocks by hitting the nearby bomb block, you'll get some food and a 1-Up.

After an opportunity to get Bomb, you'll face the reactor. When the blue laser cannon shows up from above, fly near the crystal to ensure the laser cannon destroy it. Watch out for the fire that comes out of the reactor cannon as ell as the floor fireballs that come out of the boxes inside the floor that slide into view. The reactor will go down in no time!

Level 8

The Halberd finally starts going down, and you'll be in an auto-scrolling section. The flashing cannons shoot at you, but they don't give any abilities.

Take the elevator up after taking the time to fully heal yourself, and you'll face Meta Knight's goons one last time. Afterwards, you'll face Meta Knight. Why you're allowed to choose between Ninja, Sleep and Plasma in the room before this, I'll never know.

Take the sword, then get ready to strike at Meta Knight. Meta Knight fights just like he does in Kirby's Adventure, so all you really need to do is keep hitting him. Watch out for the tornado he creates that will knock you into the air, but other than that, as long as you keep attacking, this is an easy battle.

Level 9

Now it's time to escape. Kirby will ride on Wheelie, Press Y to accelerate, and make sure to always jump the pits. Try not to hit walls or Meta Knight too many times, either. You only have so many seconds before you will lose a life.

Once you jump off the final ramp, you'll get off the Halberd. Meta Knight will fly away as the Halberd sinks, and you'll be treated to an ability and helper roll call.


Amaze your friends! Toss your enemies into the air and throw them for the Shuttle loop. 

Y: Feather gun
Dash + Y: Condor heading
Down + Y (in the air): Bomber heading
Forward + Y (near enemy): Toss
Y (after toss): Shuttle loop
B (in the air): Fluttering (this lets you fly faster than normal)


Shock your enemies by firing sparks! Move the Control Pad to store energy and really electrocute those enemies.

The more you press the Control Pad, the more power is stored.

No power: Plasma needle
Slight power: Plasma arrow
Medium Power: Plasma spark
High Power: Plasma laser
Full Power: Plasma wave cannon


Use the awesome Yo-Yo to defeat your enemies in style!

Y: Yo-Yo throw
Dash + Y: Break spin
Up + Y: Up throw attack
Down + Y: Down throw attack
Forward + Y (near enemy): Hammer drop
Down, Up, Y: Gazer spiral


Just take a little break and let Kirby sleep!

* Can't continue until Kirby wakes up*

* Good Night *

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