Wednesday, October 7, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Part 3 of 20

We head to our first real location in the game with Sentinel Beach. While there is a lot of stuff to do here, we can't do it all...yet.

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0:33 - The path to Sentinel Beach. The first Scout Flyer is shortly after the entrance.

1:02 - As you punch out enemies hiding in shells, you'll have to avoid bombs that are dropped around your current location. These same bombs can be used to destroy the metal boxes nearby that contain some Precursor Orbs.

1:50 - When you approach this Power Cell, the pelican flying around will nab it and land on an island in the middle of the water nearby.

2:32 - Dive with Square to get the Precursor Orbs deep in the water.

3:11 - Hit the pelican to get that Power Cell out of its mouth. Thankfully, you can long jump towards where the Power Cell will land for a bit of a shortcut.

3:58 - Take out the sand worms to get this Power Cell. The sand worms will pop out and attack you if you get too close to where they are located.

4:51 - The Green Eco collectors. Punch the rocks to uncover all the vents and get a Power Cell. You can use the Green Eco here to completely refill your health.

6:21 - The second Scout Flyer.

6:46 - Hold R1 and press Square to knock these wooden posts upwards, so you can reach the Precursor Orbs and the third and fourth Scout Flyers above.

8:09 - The fifth Scout Flyer is here, and another Power Cell is nearby You can also chase the seagulls around. Don't forget to look behind the edifices here for Precursor Orbs.

9:52 - By continually chasing the seagulls, you'll cause a rock to drop down and a Power Cell to appear.

10:45 - There are Precursor Orbs hidden behind the waterfall.

11:30 - The Power Cell the seagulls revealed will be near the Green Eco collectors.

11:53 - This path will lead to Blue Eco as well as the sixth Scout Flyer and the Flut-Flut egg. There is also a Precursor Hatch, and if you're channeling Blue Eco, you can open it up for Orbs. Punch the egg with Square a few times to push it down, then drop down and talk to the birdwatcher for a Power Cell. Also, this won't be the last time you see the Flut-Flut.

14:06 - The seventh and last Scout Flyer. Enjoy your Power Cell.

15:35 - How to open the hatch near where the pelican was.

17:19 - Opening the hatch near the egg.

18:51 - You won't be able to get up these platforms for the last Power Cell and the last twelve Precursor Orbs...yet.

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