Monday, October 19, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle (Game Boy) - Part 5 of 10

We are officially more than halfway through the game...and it's not going to get any easier.

For Stage 38, go all the way to the left and use the glove that you find on Daffy. Save the carrot in the upper-right corner of the stage for last.

For Stage 39, go left, get the carrot juice and take out as many enemies as possible. Use the boxing glove or the safe on Wile E. Coyote.

For Stage 40, get the carrot juice, then destroy everybody. Use the weapons if you need to.

For Stage 41, work on one side, then work on the other. You'll have to push the weight at the top to the top door on the upper-right if you want a chance to get one Sylvester out of your way.

For Stage 42, grab the glove, then work your way down. You'll have to take out at least one Sylvester.

For Stage 43, save the carrot on the far right for last. Grab the carrot juice and take out everyone that you can immediately. There is a glove in case you have a straggler.

For Stage 44, go up and get the glove before doing anything else. Use the carrot juice to get rid of Wile E. Coyote.

For Stage 45, grab the gloves and use the carrot juice at the top to get rid of as many enemies as you can.

For Stage 46, get the carrot juice and rush to Wile E. Coyote. The rest of the stage should be easy.

For Stage 47, make your way down and get the gloves as you do. Save them for Yosemite Sam and Wile E. Coyote.

For Stage 48, get the carrot and the glove to the right. Work your way down. Use the glove on Wile E. Coyote at the very bottom. Save the carrot in the middle just above the bottom section for last.

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