Saturday, October 3, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest II: Romancing The Throne (Apple II) - Part 5 of 7

Now that we have a magic lamp, it only makes sense that we use it. What could go wrong?

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Now that you have the oil lamp, RUB LAMP. A genie will appear and will give you a magic carpet, then disappear back into the lamp. We don't even get one of our wishes granted; we just get a carpet. RUB LAMP again. You'll get a sword. RUB LAMP a third time. You'll be given a leather bridle. The lamp will then disappear.

If you RIDE CARPET, you'll go over the mountains to the east and land on top of the mountain. Head east, since this is the only direction you can go. You'll soon come face to face with a snake. If you KILL SNAKE WITH SWORD, you will lose points, however. In order to get past the snake and gain points at the same time, you will have to THROW BRIDLE AT SNAKE. The bridle will change into a winged horse. TALK HORSE, and you'll find out that the enchanter turned it into a snake when it refused to be its steed, then gives you a sugar cube that guards against poisonous brambles. You will need this for later. The winged horse then flies away.

Go east again, and you'll come across a cave. Sadly, the hole in the rock on this screen that is present in later versions that serves as a Space Quest preview/Easter egg is absent here. To the east here is another cave, and inside is the second key. TAKE KEY, then leave the cave and RIDE CARPET to get down from the mountains and return to the antique store.

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