Saturday, October 24, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Part 20 of 20

Here we are...the stunning conclusion to the first Jak and Daxter game!

2:31 - The sixth Scout Flyer.

3:16 - Prepare to blast and smash through all the Lurkers here to destroy the machines spawning them.

4:37 - A few more jumps, and the Red Sage is saved.

5:29 - With three Sages saved, we can go rescue Samos last. Take the Precursor platform to the side for that one bridge you couldn't reach. The platforms you've just revealed will be nearby.

6:26 - Wait for the platforms to slowly rotate to you to jump on them.

7:11 - The final Scout Flyer, the final Orbs and the final Power Cell. Also, Samos is saved! But Gol and Maia are still able to use the robot!

9:37 - All we have left is the elevator. Smash that button to go up to the top. Break the chests, then use the Precursor platform to face Gol and Maia.

10:38 - The first form. Get some Yellow Eco, then jump and shoot the eyes of the robot to stop that laser. Get to the Blue Eco vent, then get to the launcher. When Gol and Maia shoot that missile, JUMP.

12:21 - The second form. This time around, the silo is slightly open. Gol and Maia will throw Green Eco into the Dark Eco inside the silo to create some deadly lurkers. Grab the Yellow Eco and shoot the crap out of them, then get to the Blue Eco vent when it activates and use the launcher to avoid another missile.

13:10 - The third form. Jump over the shockwaves of the Red Eco balls as you gather Yellow Eco to jump up and shoot Gol and Maia's robot in the face. When the Blue Eco vent activates after you shoot the robot in the face enough times, you know what to do.

14:37 - The fourth form. Gol and Maia will shoot Yellow Eco at you from the robot's laser cannon. Gather up the Yellow Eco and shoot at that cannon, and run away after a few shots so you don't get blasted.

15:06 - The four towers near the silo create the legendary and rare White Eco. As useful as it is in changing Daxter back, you'll have to grab it for yourself and use it to beat Gol and Maia once and for all. All you have to do is just grab a cluster of White Eco on the ground without getting hit by any of Gol and Maia's UFOs, and the battle is over.

24:16 - If you don't have 100 Power Cells, you'll have to get that many before you can see what is behind the nearby door. If and when you do, however, you'll get this. See you next blog series.

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