Friday, October 23, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Part 19 of 20

After taking care of some loose ends, we head to Gol and Maia's Citadel. The fate of the world is about to be contested...

2:49 - Here are the Orbs I accidentally "wiped" off my save file. At least I have the Yellow Eco vents open this time.

7:11 - The Precursor Orbs I missed in Lava Caves. The Citadel is all that is left.

8:29 - When we go into the citadel, we find out that Samos the Green Sage has indeed been kidnapped along with the rest of the Sages and forced to power a Precursor robot by Gol and Maia. If we can save the four Sages, we can break the force field around the robot.

9:44 - The first Scout Flyer is off to the side. Get it first, then use the Blue Eco from the Blue Eco vent to open the nearby hatch for Precursor Orbs, leap from one launcher to another. Thankfully, there are clusters of Blue Eco on every pair of moving launcher platforms to ensure you can make it to the end. Make sure you land near the hatch when you get there.

12:13 - Break this thing to get a Power Cell. Enjoy your meeting with the Yellow Sage.

13:02 - The second Scout Flyer, off to the side of where you rescued the Yellow Sage..

13:29 - These buttons create bridges with platforms that fall away. There are five different platforms: red, blue, yellow, green and colorless. If you step on one of one type, all the others of that type fall with it. Get to the other side carefully!

14:01 - The third Scout Flyer. (It was to the right at the start!)

14:34 - The fourth Scout Flyer.

17:59 - After fumbling with that one bridge multiple times to get all the Precursor Orbs there, we will have to jump onto both floating and spinning platforms. Watch out for those huge flames.

21:14 - The fifth Scout Flyer.

21:58 - The winning run for this whole platforming section, complete with that hatch at the end being opened for Orbs.

23:13 - We save the Blue Sage and get another Power Cell for it.

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