Monday, October 19, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Part 15 of 20

Big audiovisual jump. If only I didn't raise the volume and make certain things too loud for the rest of the Let's Play. Oh, well.

1:32 - I told you I'd come back for this stuff.

2:41 - The last of these things! They're actually called Precursor Blockers, which is not an easy name to remember.

3:25 - Here's the second guy with the wooden shield. Just one more to go.

4:27 - We haven't been here, either.

4:54 - Same with here. The fourth Scout Flyer is here, as well as a bunch of Precursor Orbs.

5:37 - The third Lurker that requires Red Eco. By beating all three of these guys up, we get a Power Cell.

7:45 - Past those Blockers that were really hard to deactivate is a cavern full of leaping Lurkers. Let them come to you to make it easier to get rid of the Lurkers and get the Power Cell at the end.

13:38 - The fifth Scout Flyer.

14:26 - The sixth and seventh Scout Flyers, and their Power Cell.

15:48 - How to activate three Precursor hatches at once.

16:28 - The trek around the fort begins. Time your platforming and pole jumps just right, and you can get the Power Cell at the end.

18:38 - If you couldn't tell, the audiovisual quality has improved on these videos. If only I didn't raise the game capture audio volume by 5 dB and cause some things to be too loud for the rest of the Let's Play. Well, at least there's the eventual remake.

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