Sunday, August 4, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Majuu Ou (King of Demons) - Part 1 of 3

You are Abel. Your wife and daughter have been kidnapped by your best friend Bayer in order to resurrect the King of Demons. It's time to go after him and save your family.

Stage 1

Walk our way to the right. You'll meet Bayer, who is now a demon who has his arms replaced with wings. He has sold his soul to the demons to become one himself, and that he kidnapped your wife and daughter in order to resurrect Majuu Ou, also known as the King of Demons. He then nearly kills you, but your wife and daughter, Maria and Ilia, chastise you for letting yourself get defeated and you pull yourself back up.

From here, you'll fight Bayer. Left and Right on the Control Pad let you move, Y lets you shoot, B lets you jump and pressing it again in mid-air lets you perform a double jump, Down and B let you perform a slide, and holding Y lets you perform a charge attack. Avoid Bayer whenever he dives at you and hit him with a charge attack. Letting a few of these loose will allow you to beat Bayer...for now.

Keep heading to the right. You'll be met by your wife, who is now dead following a failed attempt to protect Ilia. She follows you around in the form of a fairy, and as long as she is with you, she attacks alongside you and also acts as an auto-revive in case you die. You'll only find her a few times within the course of the game, so you'll want to play well.

Stage 2

The red gauge at the top is your health. Before that is the gauge for your charge attack. When it fills up while holding the Y button, you can perform a charge attack. To the right of that is the number of lives you have, and to the right of that is your score and your time. If time runs out, you lose a life.

The blue gems will restore some of your health. Press Down while standing on top of one to grab it.

In the tunnel, you'll shoot down some small airborne enemies that go down very easily, but you'll also be chased by some sort of worm. Keep running to the right to get away from it, and you'll run into a dead end. The floor below your feet will then collapse.

You'll then end up in a sewer dungeon. Enemies here include purple women with guns (whose shots you can duck), frog men that leap around, spikes on strings that get in the way of your shots and zombies (one shot beheads them, the next kills them outright). Be sure to avoid spikes on the ground.

Your maximum health will increase every 5000 points. This will definitely help you stay alive.

When you enter the elevator, you will face a spider demon. Hit it with a charge shot and take out the two blobs that cmoe out of the ceiling, and be ready to hold Down and press B to perform an evasive roll when the spider comes back to dive down at you. From there, keep hitting it with charge shot and keep avoiding it, and it will eventually go down. You'll get an extra minute of time for beating this thing (as well as any boss enemy). Bosses have their own health meter, and that meter replaces the score when you face them.

In the next section, go to the left. You'll face the worm. Keep jumping up and shooting it in the mouth; you will do damage when the mouth opens and also destroy its projectiles in the process. When it dies, you'll get a key; pick it up like you did the blue gem from earlier. From here, keep going right.

The blobs come back, but you'll also see big brown guys. Use charge shots to make defeating them easier.

You'll face another boss: a demon that looks like a woman naked from the waist up with dragon wings for arms and a face for a torso with chicken legs. Stay to the left, keep shooting this thing in the human head, and avoid the projectiles. If you get too close to it, it will hit you with its tongue, but that won't be a problem. When it dies, a gem will show up. It will switch from red to blue to green, and when you shoot it, it will stay at the color it was when shot. You can then pick it up with Down on the Control Pad. Each color will give you a specific form, and if you play as all three of them, you'll get something good later. If you leave it alone, it will disappear, and you will play the next stage as a human. (It is possible to beat the game without becoming a demon, but it is much harder and you don't get a special ending for it.)

The red gem turns you into a bug-like thing that looks similar to Abel's human form, but is very much insect-like. It shoots crescent shots forward that circle around as they travel in that direction, and the charge shot is a fireball with as much range and power as your human form's equivalent.

Stage 3

The flowers with faces will spit projectiles at you. Shoot at them when their faces are exposed.

There are some green fairy generators that produce yellow fairies that fly towards you. If you kill them, then press Down at their bodies before they disappear, you can eat them for some free health. (This is the only enemy you can do this with; every other enemy disappears upon being destroyed.) Given that blue gems are not common to come across (and neither are these enemies), you'll want to play

The big green worms can easily be destroyed with a charge shot. Watch out for their lasers; they shoot multiple lasers that go in different directions.

The mini-boss is some sort of mantis-worm hybrid that flies around. When it flies in thin oval patterns, double-jump over it so you don't get cornered, and shoot charge shots at the head. After the circle, it does wider sine wave-style movement patterns that are easier to avoid.

The second mini-boss is a giant eyeball. Keep hitting it with charge shots, and use your slide to avoid the laser as soon as you see it so it doesn't hit you when it expands. After enough damage, the eye will teleport in and out before using the laser again. After even more damage, it will shrink down and spin around, and the direction it is looking when it stops is where it will launch itself in an attempt to hit you while bouncing around the screen. If you hit it, it will stop, then spin around and try to launch itself again, and keep doing this until you kill it. Sadly, you don't get to see much of the third form, since I wrecked the boss so badly during the first two that it couldn't even get going on the third.

The boss is some demon in a flower. Stay low when it shoots its gun, and be ready to move towards the boss when it tries to hit you with its whip-like arm. If you're dropping down when the whip arm is out, the whip arm will completely miss you. Throw charge shots at the demon itself to deal damage.

The green form is some pointy-headed demon with a wing-like cape. Turns out, that cape really is a set of wings for the double jump. The regular shot is a very thin laser and the charge shot is a pair of rings that do multiple hits to enemies. Also, the slide is a short teleport forward.

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