Thursday, August 15, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays The Ninja (SMS) - Part 3 of 5


Stage 7

This is another auto-scrolling stage, and this time the screen scrolls to the left. Avoid getting run over by the horses, and get rid of the fire-breathing men whenever you see them. If you're on the left side of the screen, these guys will show up from the right; if you're on the right, they'll show up on the left.

When the music fades out, get to the center of the road and attack the boss immediately. If a horse gets in the way, use your ninja vanish to avoid being run over.

Stage 8

The swordsmen in green are even faster than the blue ones. Also, the ninjas that pop out of the ground and the rocks make a return here.

There are some grassy areas that you can enter. One of them will contain the fourth green scroll, and it will be the first one on the right. Fend off the enemies and touch the tree at the far north, and the fourth green scroll will be yours.

If any enemies get caught on anything on-screen, off-screening the enemies will allow them to come at you again.

The boss is the same as ever.

Stage 9

You're now climbing the castle walls.

Stick to the right side, take out the enemies there first, then deal with the rest of the enemies as you slowly climb upwards. If you die at any point on the rock wall, you will fall all the way down to the water below.

At the top, there will be two ninjas. Stay away from the center, as the vents nearby will dump rocks downwards that will hurt you.

When you reach the top, instead of fighting the boss (which is the same as ever), just go to the upper-right corner and the last green scroll will show up. The area will end and you'll get the following hint:

From the right side of castle courtyard's third stone lantern, throw your knives 3 times and disappear 3 times, then...

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