Thursday, August 24, 2017

Dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - Part 26 of 43

We've found a maiden. Let's break the curse.

All maps by Dan_.

You're in speaking range of the poor maiden, so speak to her. When you do, however, she becomes too shy. Give her the white rose. She'll trust you a little. Talk to her, and you'll find out how about her life. Her mother's dead, her father died shortly after remarrying, and her stepmother feels she has no obligation to feed and clothe her. (Jerk.) Looks like we have a Cinderella reference here...kinda.

Give her the Beast's ring. Alexander will tell her about the Isle of the Beast as well as the Beast's plight. You'll win her trust over, and when faced with the decision to leave home to meet the Beast, she makes the decision to do just that. Alexander hands her the ring, and the stepmother tries to command her to come back. Yeah, like that's happening. You'll also find out that the servant woman's name is Beauty, turning the Cinderella reference into a Beauty and the Beast reference and taking this fetch quest full circle.

You'll then go back to the Isle of the Beast with Beauty. Beauty's feelings for the Beast turn him back into a noble prince, freeing Alexander from a similar fate. After the prince shows his feeling for Beauty, her servant rags are transformed into noble clothes to match her noble heart.

As this conversation goes on, you'll see what looks like a tiny brown ferret on the lower-left corner of the screen with gold eyes. It's Shamir Shamazel again, and he's still keeping track of your every move. I bet the Vizier is ticked at this point.

Beauty gives you her old servant clothes, saying they may come in handy later on. The Prince then thanks you, and gives you advice: If you find your true love, protect her with your life, as humans are all beasts without the redeeming humanity of love.

The Prince also gives you his mirror, as his life is no longer hung in false shadows. He tells you to give it to someone with nothing to fear from the truth it reveals. The Prince and Beauty then head to the castle.

When you leave the castle grounds, take another white rose from the hedge to the left of the gazebo. You'll need it later.

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