Sunday, August 13, 2017

Dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - Part 5 of 43

We have a talk with the ferryman, and find out that not all is well in the Land of the Green Isles.

All maps by Dan_.

To the west of the large house is the docks. If you go there, a man will jump into the water near the dock. Notice that when he stands there in the water, his eyes have a golden glow. This guy is the man with the glowing golden eyes that you saw when Alexander talked to the vizier. If you join him for a swim, you will die. Instead, just stand there and he'll disappear. Apparently, Alexander thinks nothing of it.

Use the hand icon on the door of the ferry. You'l meet the ferryman. Speak to the ferryman. After Alexander mentions Ali from the book shop, he'll let you in. Talk to him inside, and you'll find out that due to the feuding between the islands, travel is too dangerous. Since Vizier al-Hazred stopped sea travel, the ferry hasn't sailed. You'll find out the source of the feud is over stolen property. Fixing the ferry would be counterproductive at this point, as it suffers from dry rot from being out of the ocean for soon long. It would break apart as soon as it touched the ocean.

The only other way to travel is through a magic map, and the only way to get information on it is through one person we haven't met just yet: the pawn shop owner down in the village.

Talk to the ferryman again. The ferryman will tell you about his last trip with both the Queen and Princess Cassima. Apparently, both of them had been coldly received at one of the islands due to the "he said, she said" of the recent feuding.

Talking to him again will (not surprisingly) reveal that there is no other seaworthy ship on the island, as ships tend not to last for very long around the Land of the Green Isles.

Talk to the ferryman after this and you'll learn more about Princess Cassima. Apparently, she is a very virtuous woman whose heart is pure. Not surprisingly, her mother and father, the King and Queen were the same way, as they served the island and cared about the people in them.

Keep talking to the ferryman and you'll learn about the other islands. The Isle of Wonder is a bit strange, but if you have a sense of humor, it's wonderful. The Isle of the Beast is interesting, but you won't be able to get very far. The Isle of the Sacred Mountain has some elusive creatures that are quite a sight.

You'll also hear about a legend where The Land of the Green Isles is near the edge of the world, and that the strong ocean currents are some sort of magnetism that sucks life from this world to the next.

There is a lucky rabbit's foot on the table. If you use the hand icon on it, the ferryman will let you have it. You're done here, so use the hand icon on the door and you'll leave the ferry.

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