Saturday, May 4, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 18 of 70

On our way up Mt. Ordeals, we meet up with Tellah again before facing the evil Scarmiglion.

As you make your way up the mountain, you will meet Tellah, who is searching for the legendary sealed magic known as Meteo. It is revealed that not only have Palom and Porom have heard of him, but also revere him, as does the rest of Mysidia. Palom reminds Tellah that the risks of him using Meteo once he gets it is too great, but Tella is more than ready to make the sacrifice and avenge his daughter Anna's death. After hearing about Cecil's quest to become a Paladin and beat Golbez, he re-joins the party.

Give Tellah the Flame Road, a Triangle Robe and a Silver Ring, and put him in the front.

Be sure that Palom learns Fire 2 before you make it to the end. You'll also need it against the Liliths so that they don't Silence your party members.

When you reach the summit, you'll hear a hissing sound. Be sure to head east and use the save point there. When you continue, you'll eventually run into Scarmiglion.

Cecil will attack Scarmiglion, while Palom will cast Fire 2 on everybody and Porom will pick off the stragglers in the Skullnant ranks with Holy Arrows. Once you take out the undead flunkies, have Cecil use a Bacchus' Wine. When Scarmiglion is the only one left, hit him with strong magic spells and Cecil's Dark Sword. Make sure that Porom has Cure 2 before this battle, so curing everyone in battle is much easier.

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