Sunday, May 19, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 45 of 70

We're back in familiar territory, and this time, we come upon an interesting discovery.

After falling down the pit, you'll be back in the lower section of the Tower of Bab-il.

The door on the next level down will have a Claw of Hell if you walk up to it (but not into it) and press A.

The Mithril Golem are not weak to Ice unlike other Golems, so have Kain used Jump and have Edge attack with the Fairy Claw. They're not too tough.

The Queen Lamia isn't too different from the regular Lamia.

You'll eventually find an enemy airship. There are qualms by the party about taking it, thinking they could be falling for a trap, but Edge says there is no reason to be alarmed. After the party calls it the Falcon, they take off, and the airship comes out of the ground. It won't be able to fly over lava on the underworld map, but you'll still be able to head back to the Dwarf military base, drink from the Pot of Life, and then head back to the castle.

Once you leave the Tower of Bab-il, you can't go back, as Golbez has bombed the bridge to the entrance.

By talking to the two red dwarfs in the first floor, you'll find out that Cid is recovering in the medical room.

Go back to the throne room. King Jiott asks his daughter Luka to bring him her necklace, as a key is hidden inside. He gives it to Cecil to unlock the Sealed Cave to the southwest. Just remember to talk to King Jiott again to get it.

One of the Dwarves in the throne room will tell you that near the sealed cave is the town of Tomera, where more Dwarves live. You'll also hear a rumor that a path to the Phantom Road is in the underworld.

At the medical room, you'll find Cecil asleep in a bed, alive and well, and all of the dwarves in the room complain about him. Cid and Edge argue, then Cecil mentions the airship they stole, saying that they need modifications. Cid suddenly gets up to get to work, then you'll be at the airship. Cid and two dwarves will put a Mithril coating on the airship, and Cid puts Edge to work. Cid will then return to bed and goes back to sleep afterwards.

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