Wednesday, May 1, 2019

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) - Part 13 of 70

We make it to Fabul, but before meeting the king, we hunt for some useful items.

If you don't know where to go, use Rosa's Sight spell. This zooms the map in.

The Gatlinger - the orange Sword Rat palette swaps - are a stronger version of the Sword Rat. Use Rydia's Chocobo summon to get rid of them, while getting rid of the Sword Rats with Cecil's Dark Wave and Yang's Kick.

Rosa's Protect spell was taken out of the Western Super Nintendo version along with Shell and Dispel. This increases one party member's defense for the battle.


When you make it to Fabul, the guards will tell Yang that the king is waiting. Keep going north to meet the king. The guards on the first floor - where you will find the inn, item shop and combination weapon/armor shop - will be surprised that the main forces have been wiped out.

At the combination weapon/armor shop, you can get some claw weapons for Yang: the Flame Claw, the Ice Claw and the Thunder Claw. Buy an Ice Claw and a Thunder Claw, and equip them both on Yang. (You already have a Flame Claw. Be sure to save it for later.) You will also get the full Demon armor set, which is exclusively for Cecil. Be sure to equip the Demon armor set.

At the second floor, don't go up the stairs to the north unless you want to meet the king, which advances the plot. Instead, turn around and head south, then go through the door. There will be two towers nearby as soon as you come back outside. Enter the left one first. You'll find a Wrath of Zeus (which is like Antarctic Wind and Bomb Fragments, except Thunder elemental), an Antarctic Wind, a Bomb Fragment and a Potion. Go up the stairs, and you'll see the castle infirmary. Namingway will be in one of the beds. Go up the next flight of stairs, and you'll meet Yang's wife, who is just as much a fighter as Yang himself.

At the right tower, you'll see the monks' quarters on the first floor and the bar on the second. One of the jars contains a Bacchus' Wine, which casts Berserk on whoever uses it and increases their attack power by 50% in addition to slightly boosting their speed. You'll also see a dancer here, but she's really a monk and you won't find out until she dances. On the third floor, you'll find the king's bedroom. Not only can you find a Tent in the chest, but you can sleep in the king's bed, making the inn here completely pointless.

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