Tuesday, July 31, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie (SNES) AGAIN - Stage 7

Here it is! The final battle!

Yep, it's time to fight Ivan Ooze!

The first part is simple. Hit him once, and don't let him touch you. Hit him two more times, then get away from him when he attacks.

When he extends his hand, he shoots an orb that moves in a sine wave pattern. Backflip if you have to.

He'll also send in a pair of metal jaws that will sometimes close on you from behind. Once again, something a backflip can't solve if you keep an eye on the area around your character. But he'll only send it in if the sine wave orb is flying around. Thankfully, if you're facing the jaws when they show up, you can punch them out of existence.

Sometimes he'll jump into the air and throw some daggers. When they hit the ground, they'll catch fire, and you can't touch them until they disappear.

When he jumps into the air and puts his hands together to make what appears to be a bigger orb, keep an eye on the ground and jump at the right moment...he'll send a shock wave across the entire stage which can be avoided with a regular jump or a backflip. He'll start sending these out with frightening regularity when his life bar is at 50%.

When you defeat him, Ivan Ooze will be no more! But it's not over yet, because his defeat triggers a self-destruct sequence in his lair! You'll have to climb spike-laden vertical chasms, avoid traps in Ooze's decor, break walls and ride platforms as you fight your way out, and you'll eventually reach a dead end. Fight off the Putties, and at the last minute the hand of the Ninja Megazord will crash out from behind the wall. Run towards it and you'll be out of there shortly before Ivan Ooze's lair self-destructs!

Once again, the world is safe, and Rocky and Tommy are done just in time to take part in a martial arts sparring contest. Not surprisingly, Bulk and Skull act like the lunkheads they usually are and get punched out themselves!

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