Sunday, July 29, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie (SNES) AGAIN - Stage 3

Let's see if I can handle this a little better.

Why are there so many snowmen every few feet away from each other at the beginning. Are the hills we're about to see too hazardous for the kids to make snowmen on?

Once you knock down some Putties at the beginning, you take a snowboard ride down a hill, dodging rocks and fences while jumping over pits, trying not to run into Putties who are trying to run into you from behind on snowboards and snowmobiles that they probably stole from some unsuspecting Earthlings. How they get those things, I'll probably never know. Don't let the cave ceiling smack you in the head on the way down! Duck!

Once you hit the bottom, your board lands you straight into a raging river. You're dodging logs underneath your feet and boulders falling from the rock walls, all the while fish that come out of the water, grabbing power-ups, and trying not to be hit by any more Putties.

Now, I'm not much of a genius when it comes to flora, fauna and the like, but if I were going to hit fish with my bare hands, I wouldn't expect them to spontaneously explode upon impact with my fists.

After all that, you meet Skelerena. Her fire breath, dashing shoulder block and claw attacks are pretty nasty, and she has the nasty habit of leaping up into the air, board and all, and coming back down on top of you at a high speed. She also has a nasty habit of teleporting, which is only made predictable by the platform of hers that moves instantly where she does but never disappears (for some inexplicable reason). You'll be doing a lot of hitting and running on him before you're done...if you aren't able to get a bomb, that is!

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