Saturday, July 28, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie (SNES) AGAIN - Stage 1

Oh, hey, I'm playing this game again. It's an interesting one, that's for sure. Younger me would have loved it.

Unlike the original MMPR game, this one controls more like Monster in My Pocket. You just have the standing attack, the jumping attack, and the crouching attack, but you can't double jump. You can morph at anytime when you fill your power bar up completely, and when not in Ranger Mode, it gives you more power for your special attack, which you can use by pressing X before you've morphed. 

If you press it while morphed and the bar is full and/or flashing, you get the full-screen bomb attack from the original SNES game. You can also jump from the foreground to the background in certain parts of the game, like in the early Fatal Fury games.

There are also food power-ups that replenish the five health units you have (morphing also does this), as well as small lightning bolts (that give you a little bit of energy on your Power Meter) and big lightning bolts (that give you a good amount.)

The stage starts out in downtown Angel Grove. If I saw a Putty driving a car or riding a motorcycle, I'd either think of A) hijacking it, or B) I have problems.

Speaking of the Putties, they make up the majority of the enemies you will face in the game. The gray putties take one hit to kill, but the purples ones take two.

We then enter a shopping center where these robots drop bombs at you from mid-air. The place then catches on fire thanks to these elephant-head looking robots that you destroy, and you have to dodge debris and fire while trying not to fall into holes. You then reach the top of a building and fight Putties while waiting for a blimp, which you jump onto.

I didn't know this until recording this the second time, but the red signs with words like "FOOD," "TOYS," and "BANDAI" can be grabbed onto by holding Up on the Control Pad when you jump up to them. From there, you can press Y to kick at enemies and press B to jump back off. You can also press Left and Right on the Control Pad to switch the direction you're facing.

Once there, you fight Mirror Maniac from the second season of Power Rangers (the same source where almost all the other bosses come from), who creates fake copies of himself (signified with the grayer, dimmer mirror of the two) and rolls into a ball in an attempt to hit you (which you'll want to jump over). He also has a mirror beam that can easily be ducked under.

He's pretty easy as long as you keep a sharp eye on him when he does the mirror trick. Thankfully, canisters containing the big thunder bolts that give you a bigger amount of energy drop down during the boss fights, giving you energy to power up the bomb as well as your physical attacks for a short time.

Once he's gone, you get more points depending on how much health and power you have left, as well as how quickly you got through the stage, and you head to the next round.

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