Tuesday, February 23, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays The Simpsons: Bart and the Beanstalk - Part 4 of 4

In this episode, we get the treasures, then finally get out of the house and back onto the ground...and it's not gonna be easy.

The third section takes place in the dark...somewhat. You can see where you're going, but the greenish-black backgrounds are where you don't exactly want to be. If you stand in those areas, your health will slowly go down, and if you stand in those areas long enough, you'll eventually run out of health and the Giant will grab you.

Some of the small platforms will crumble against your weight when you land on them, so you'll want to be nimble with those platforms.

Shortly after the start, you'll need to go left to get the bag of money. You'll need it and the rest of the treasures to get out of this level.

At one point, you'll drop down to a fork in the road. Go left to get the harp and recover a good amount of your health.

You'll find the goose that lays the golden eggs at the end. The goose will also give you some of your health back.

Level 4

Bart runs away with the treasures, but Giant Homer has caught wind of his exploits and has decided to chase after him.

Believe it or not, this is a mirror image of Level 2 down to the traps. The only difference is that you're going to the left and the screen auto-scrolls. If you're too far to the right, the giant will grab you resulting in instant death.

The second section is very similar to Level 1. You'll be parachuting down the beanstalk, and if you're too close to the top of the screen, the giant will still be able to grab you, resulting in instant death. The coins won't be able to refill your health, so you have to take as few hits as possible from the birds that are flying around as you control where you are with the Control Pad.. When you reach the bottom, go left and grab the axe! You've won!

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