Friday, February 26, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays The Lost Frog - The Longplay


This game was released on the "Best Four Adventures" compilation by ESM in 1986.

This is a very simple text game. If you see the notes on the main menu, you'll see all the verbs you need to complete the game as well as how to move around: simply type U, D, L, and/or R or Up, Down, Left and/or Right, then press Return. Just remember that you can only hold five objects at any time, and you can type "list".to see what you're carrying. "Help" brings up the controls again.

You start in the garden. A note on the door says to look for a bell and go right. Go right to enter a forest and take the bell that you see. Go back to the left and use the bell to open and enter the door to the left. Once you enter the door, there is no turning back.

From here, drop the bell. If you try to go up, the big dog will bark at you. Go left to the kitchen and get the bone. The door to the left will be locked. If you go down into the trap door, the game ends in failure, so don't do it.

Go back to the hall to the right and use the bone to get past the big dog. Go up, and keep the bone. At the landing, get the hammer. The balcony will be to the right; go there and get the torch. If you go down from here, the game will end in failure; don't do that. Go back to the left, then go left again. Get the ladder, then go back to the right, down to the hall and left to the kitchen. Use the ladder here, then go down. Get the key, then use the torch. If you do not have the torch here, the game is unwinnable. Go up. Drop the ladder, go left to find the locked door, then use the key and go left. In the sitting room, take the honey, then go right to go back to the kitchen. Drop the key and the torch.

Go right to the hall, use the bone, then go up to the landing. Go left, then go left to the study. Get the mouse. Go up to discover a lonely cat who wants to play. Use the mouse to get past the cat, then go up. Do not drop the mouse.

In the small bedroom, go right. Get the rope, then go right into the bedroom. Go right to find a door that is nailed shut. Use the hammer, drop it, then go right to enter a cupboard. Get the map, go left, then go up. If you go up, a grizzly bear will block your path. Use the honey here, then go up. You'll find the frog! Drop the honey, then get the frog.

You will not be able to go back down, and if you did not get the map, you just made the game unwinnable. Use the map to find a fire escape to the right, as it is the only to get out of here. Go right to return to the balcony. Use the rope to go down without hurting yourself. The game will tell you to drop the frog. Drop the frog. You've won!

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