Saturday, November 7, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (GBA) - Part 4 of 7

With two story arcs down, we've got two more to go. This time, Raphael goes missing thanks to the Foot Clan, and Donatello has to go out and look for him.

Donatello - Act 1

Stockman, now with one of his eyes removed, has created the Foot Tech Ninjas to get rid of the Ninja Turtles once and for all with their cybernetically enhanced abilities and cloaking devices. Oroku Saki asks Dr. Stockman to deliver the Ninja Turtles to him, and warns Stockman not to fail him again.

Raphael is quickly taken out by the Foot Tech Ninjas and is captured. Meanwhile, Donatello is investigating large-scale blackouts occurring throughout the city, and word is going around that the Foot Tech Ninjas may be involved. Suddenly, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael are met by the Purple Dragons.

Donatello has his own talents. You can do a low second hit by holding Down on the second hit of a standing combo. He cannot double jump, but if you hold Up and press A, you can do a high jump. Up + B does a multi-stab attack instead of a rising uppercut-style attack. Also, if you press A or B while running, you can do a diving attack, which makes it so that you can't do a running jump. It does help you get over some gaps and avoid the spiked balls in the pit below at the start of the act. As a matter of fact, you'll be using it to get over quite a few pits in Donatello's story arc.

You can climb up and down pipes with Up and Down. When you see the up arrow at the drainpipe, go down instead with Down. You'll find a Crystal. Now you can climb up with Up.

After getting out of the sewers, you're on the streets fighting more Purple Dragons.

After the Crazy Manny sign, go down and get on top of the crates to the right, then hold Up and press A to get a crystal.

Once you beat all the enemies, the Ninja Turtles will find out that Raphael dropped his sai, and Leonardo starts believing that Raphael was kidnapped. Donatello mentions a tracking device he planted in Raphael's shell, and finds out that Raphael is being held in Stocktronics' laboratory.

Meanwhile, at Stocktronics' laboratory, Hun interrogates Raphael, who gives him a lot of sass.

Donatello - Act 2

The goal is the door at the center where you start, but you'll have to explore the two doors at the left and right ends. You'll have to jump on platforms, avoid spike pits and lasers, and press Up at the computer terminals to open the locks on the center doors while fighting Foot Clan ninjas. Thankfully, the spikes can also kill enemies.

Once you get through the center door, you'll have to fight more Foot Clan ninjas as well as soldiers. You'll then have to climb up a pipe while avoiding lasers. Make sure the lasers do not hit your shell, or else you're going all the way back down. There will be a box at the top. Use your dashing attack to it, then keep using jump attacks to hit the box and get a crystal. After that, you can drop down and fight your way to the door at the end.

After this act, Donatello will rescue Raphael and give him his sai back, then escapes via a hang glider. Meanwhile, Stockman chews out Hun, who says that he let Raphael escape so he could lead them to the others. Stockman takes advantage of the situation.

Donatello - Act 3

A lets you barrel roll, while B lets you shoot laser. You can hold the button to charge the laser up for a multi-shot blast.  Shoot down the lasers while avoiding the spiked balls. Thankfully, you can move the spiked balls with regular lasers if you need to. Thankfully, you can fly between some. Also, some spiked balls will move up and down.

Eventually, the stage will speed up. Be ready to fly between spiked balls.

During this act, there is are two sets of eight missiles that you will have to shoot down all at once. One is early in the stage, while the other one is near the end. Both of these salvos have their own individual crystals for when you shoot all eight in the set down.

After the act, Leonardo and Michelangelo find out that the Foot Tech Ninjas are following Raphael and Donatello in order to find the Ninja Turtles. Leonardo calls Donatello, who tells him that he left a sensor system in his room and asks Leonardo to assemble it. Donatello and Raphael plot a way to lure the Foot Tech Ninjas towards the sensors so they can see them and force them back.

Donatello - Act 4

To beat the Foot Tech Ninjas, go around the room and press UP at the consoles to set up the heat sensors. With most of the screen save for the center turned red, you'll be able to see the Foot Tech Ninjas, and you'll be able to damage them. Thankfully, the Foot Tech Ninjas do a good job of following you around, and you can still see them somewhat even with the heat sensor off; you just won't be able to hit them until you get the heat sensors up.

Thankfully, these guys share a health meter, and once you get that health meter to zero, both of them go down. Hit them at the same time if you can.

After the battle, the Ninja Turtles celebrate, while Stockman has his own Foot Tech Ninjas used against him.

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