Tuesday, November 3, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Psychic World - Part 3 of 5

Out of the frying pan and into the...snow? Well, there had to be an ice world after we saw a fire one.

Round 3: Ice Field

The green blob will stop moving to shoot at you, and the blue creatures move back and forth. The icicles floors are fall-away floors. Use the fire bullet to destroy the ice blocks.

When you see the blue-and-grey flashing pixels, hit them with the water bullet to turn them into ice cubes that you can use as platforms. You can always use the fire bullet to get them out of your way.

The solid white-grey-and-blue floor is a slippery floor. Go slow so you don't slide forward very fast. Thankfully, you can jump around to change direction.

The circle with the "X" in the center is the ice bullet. It will not be very powerful now, but soon enough...

When you start climbing up, use your normal shot to take care of the enemies, and watch where you're going. Use the left ladder to make your way up, and use the water bullets to make platforms from the second ladder to the third ladder. Afterwards, you'll have to use the water bullets to create a bridge to the door to the next section. Carefully switch from the water bullet to the fire bullet so you can create the blocks you need and get rid of the ones you don't without making much of a mess. This will require a little bit of patience.

Once you get to the door, use the shield before you go through the door (you can go down on the other end of this vertical chamber for power-ups, if you want), You'll face an ice mini-boss. The shield will protect you as you use your fire bullet, and you can power up the fire bullet after beating the boss here. You'll then be able to climb up another vertical section, where - once again - you'll have to use the water bullet and the platforms you create to get to the top. Be sure to use the water bullet at the top of the last ladder to give yourself more room to get around, and you'll be able to burn down the ice blocks with the fire bullet and go right to enter the next section. If you want, you can go even further up and eventually loop back down once you get to the other side for power-ups.

From here, be ready to slide to the other end of the room. If you can get to the top path and stay there, getting around will be easier, since you won't have to slide around as much. The squid enemy just move up and down, while the rock enemy will move back and forth every so often. When you reach the end, jump right so you hit the wall when you enter the next section, and use the screen clear attack to get rid of all the squids. After that, you'll have to use the water bullet and the fire bullet to get to the door.

At the door, use the shield, then go in. Equip the water bullet to make a set of platforms to the dragon boss' head, then equip the bullet and shoot at the head. Be careful, as the dragon can spit fire that can melt the platform. Be sure to re-apply the shield throughout the fight, so you don't get hit. When you beat the boss, you'll get a new ability: an echo bullet that will destroy some tougher blocks.

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