Monday, November 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 4 of 5

This is the point where the game throws a whole lot of obstacles at you as well as a roll call of enemies you've seen throughout the game. Also, in case it still hasn't been mentioned yet, this is a good-looking game.

Stage 4

Gotta love the monitors with The Joker on them. Sunsoft really knew how to do graphics on the NES at times.

The floors made out of rotating ears are like spikes, so you want to stay above them on the platforms. You'll also see them on ceilings, sometimes above sets of spinning gears on floor, so you'll have to be careful with your jumps at times.

To get past the last two jumps over the gear spikes, you have to jump to the corner of the gray wall, then leap off that wall to the right. You'll be right on the corner, and you'll have to hold the jump button to clear it. Never mind the fact that the first jump has a drone dropper on the ceiling, you'll still be able to make it. Just watch out for those three blue spike robots when you're at this point and be ready to punch them all or hit them all with the Batarang.

The orange robots can destroyed, but you're better off avoiding them as well as the nearby electric barriers that zap in and out from time to time. Also, you have a flame pit and small, square-shaped conveyor belt platforms in the third section. Oh, my.

The two tanks in the third section can be destroyed. Get on the step to the left of them, shoot at them with the gun and duck when they are about to shoot.

There are very few new enemies in Stage 4, and the majority of them are going to be enemies you've seen before.

The fourth boss is the Dual-Container Alarm. For this one, stay to the far left, face right and keep crouch-punching so that when the cubes come your way, they can't damage you. You may take damage. That's all right. 

Both boxes have individual health bars, and if one box gets destroyed, the other one speeds up, changes form to have a red circle in the center and shoots fireballs across the room. Stay where you are and don't jump so the three pairs of fireballs that go across the screen don't hurt you. Even though those fireballs will touch Batman's feet, they won't hurt him. Apparently his feet are not part of his hitbox. When the cube moves away, throw shurikens. When it moves forward, get back. Repeat until it dies.

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