Sunday, November 15, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Incantation - Part 6 of 6

Well, this was underwhelming, wasn't it? The boss's final form doesn't seem like it was programmed correctly and kills the boss when it's supposed to happen, but the game is just average through out. At least it's not absolutely horrible, but still...

City 2

This one is more of the stage, though you will be doing a little more moving around and looking around with the camera than you did in City 1. Once again, don't press Down while above ground level (unless you're moving the camera by holding the shoulder buttons, which you should hold first before using the Control Pad).

The boss is the same as last time. He shouldn't take long at all to beat.

Chaos Warrior

The game scrolls to the left at the beginning, then you meet the boss. The final boss is a green armored guy, who is supposed to be a wizard. You'll want to keep your distance and go for his face, and you'll also want to shoot down his hands. Also, stay on the far right unless the boss is there. Whenever you hit the boss, the larva on the upper platform drop down, and when you destroy them, more larva will show up to take their place. For best results, go to the left side, but don't shoot him. Let him come to you, then run under him. Believe it or not, you can run under the final boss to get away from him. Just make sure he doesn't lower himself down on you when you do it.

Once you destroy the arms, the Chaos Warrior will shoot fireballs at you, and those fireball will drop to the ground. As long as you are directly below his head, he can't hit you, and you can get him to go to the left before running to the right and shooting him in the face. 

Believe it or not, there is supposed to be a third form when the boss' health meter (yes, the Chaos Warrior has a health bar at the top) is down to a third of a full bar, but for some reason, the boss dies when that happens. I want to think bad coding is at work, and I didn't notice this until playing the video back. Once the screen flashes white, the game is over and you get a one-screen ending. Well, that was something.

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