Thursday, November 12, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman Returns (SMS) - Part 5 of 10

In this episode, we bring Route 1 to an end...but we're not done yet! Next time, we'll start playing Route 2 and all its obstacle course goodness!

Stage 5

The fifth and final stage takes place deeper in the sewers. Unlike other stages, there are four sections instead of two...and they are massive.

For the first section, watch out for acrobats, as they can leap at you when you least expect it and can also . There are plenty of platforms to swing around on for power-ups, and there is a new enemy: divers who hide in the water to pop out when you get close enough to them.

For the second section, you'll have to use the grappling hook to get yourself on top of the steel drums can come down the waterfall that takes up the entire screen. Thankfully, you can leap upwards from them from underneath and land on them. There is more than one way to get to the top of this section, and there are power-ups if you know where to look. Just look out for the guys with the rocket launchers.

For the third section, you have more platforming and swinging. There is an easy-to-miss extra life below the start, so be sure to grab that if you need more lives.

For the fourth section, you'll have even more platforming and swinging, and there will be bottomless pits with the smallest of platforms to grapple onto from underneath.

You'll face the Penguin. Stay on the ground at the beginning of the battle to avoid the bombs, then strike him and duck when he dives at you. Don't forget to use your grappling hook to hit him if you can.

After a while, he will stay in the air in certain spots and send umbrellas at you. Be ready to move so that the umbrellas don't hit you, and hit him with your Batarang if he gets low enough. Stay in the middle to give yourself a chance to avoid the umbrellas.

He will then be in the duck tank. Stay all the way to the left, and jump over and duck under the missiles as they come at you. Jump the first, duck the second. When the duck tank advances, hit the duck tank in the head. Eventually, you'll have to avoid three missiles. Duck the first, jump the second and duck the third. Again, be ready to hit the duck tank in the face when it comes at you. Eventually, it will fall and you'll get the ending.

But we're not done yet...

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