Saturday, November 14, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman Returns (SMS) - Part 9 of 10

Instead of a bunch of empty yet spacious corridors with plenty of penguins shooting homing missiles, you instead have an even more spacious and extravagant looking sewer complete with statue faces that spit out water.

Stage 4, Route 2

Route 1 was hard enough, but Route 2 is even more aggravating. You may not have missile-shooting penguins this time around, but there is a lot more water. As a matter of fact, the toughest thing of all to deal with is the statue heads that spit out water. The water will knock you back if you are in the air or on the grappling hook, which makes getting through the beginning tough. On the second set, take the high route and go above these water-spitting statue heads. You'll find power-ups that way, anyway. After that, you'll have to grapple onto small square-shaped blocks in order to get to the end of the first section.

The second section is a little better. Once you get to the top at the start, you won't have to deal with waterfalls anymore. You will have to glide down afterwards to get to the end, though.

The boss battle here is the rematch with Catwoman. Same strategies apply. This time around, spikes will fall down as Catwoman jumps up the walls during the battle. Once again, stay to the left, be ready to jump over Catwoman's whip, then hit her from underneath with the grappling hook as he wall jumps her way to the ceiling.

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