Tuesday, November 10, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman Returns (SMS) - Part 1 of 10

Believe it or not, there's an 8-bit Sega game for Batman Returns...and it's actually pretty good. This also appeared on Game Gear with a few changes and improved graphics, but this guide covers the Sega Master System version.

The game is very much based on the movie and follows it pretty well.

In this version of the game, there are two routes: Route 1 and Route 2. Route 1 is the easier route and has more traditional platforming, but Route 2 feels like an obstacle course. You can choose between the two routes for the first four rounds, but on the fifth round, you'll be playing the same level no matter what. I will start with Route 1, then play the game again on Route 2.

Stage 1, Route 1

Left and Right let you move, Down lets you duck, Button 2 lets you jump and Button 1 lets you throw the Batarang. If you press 2 again while in mid-air, Batman will use his grappling hooks, and you can press Left and Right with the proper timing to swing on ceilings and even pull yourself up by holding Up on the Control Pad. You can get on top of some platforms this way, but there are others that you won't be able to do this with. You can also aim the grappling hook upwards just by holding Up while pressing 2 in mid-air. If you hold Button 2 after jumping, you'll be able to glide.

It is possible to latch onto the upper corner of a platform and get Batman onto the top of the platform by swinging and jumping, but you have to be pretty accurate to do that.

You have lives, but they act as hit points. If you get hit, you will lose a life/hit points.

The enemies that are here - all members of the Red Triangle Circus gang - are simple. You have clowns that move towards you, clowns that jump towards you. clowns that roll towards you and are invulnerable while rolling.

The bats are like Castlevania candles, and they always contain one of three power-ups: a red Batman icon that gives you an extra life/hit point, a blue batman Icon that increases the range of your Batarang, and a yellow Batman icon that increases Batman's speed. You can hit the bats with the Batarang, but you can also hit them with the grappling hook if you have trouble reaching them.

The "Oswald Cobblepot For Mayor" van does nothing to you, but you must destroy it with a few Batarang tosses before you can move on.

In the second section, you'll see clowns that throw bombs, shoot guns and even drop bombs downwards. Once again, these enmies are pretty easy. The worst, however, are the guys that just stand perfectly still. If you get close enough, they will drop down and self-destruct in an attempt to cost you a life.

The boss here is the fire-breathing clown, who is pretty easy to beat. Keep your distance, and when he is drinking from his flask, hit him with a Batarang. The fire-breathing clown has three attacks: a close-range fire breath, a fireball that curves upwards after he spits it out, and a fire wave that travels the ground which you will have to jump over. After enough hits, he is done.

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