Monday, November 2, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Psychic World - Part 2 of 5

The action heats up - almost literally - in Round 2.

Round 2: Volcanic Area

At the beginning, you'll have to drop down. Go left to avoid falling through the floor into the water below. You'll find an icon with three circles that destroys all on-screen enemies when used. From here, go up the ladders and beat up the gray spiked turtles that move back and forth, collecting icons as you go while also avoiding the fireballs that come out of the lava volcanoes. At the top is another power-up for your water bullet; you'll need it.

Once you go back down, go to the left, climb up the ladder and enter the door. Climb down and leap from one lava platform to another as they all move to the left, then jump to climb up the ladder and enter the next door. Be sure to take out the rock monster from behind as you make your way there so its projectiles don't hit you.

From here, make your way right, taking care not to fall into the lava. The fire ball enemy will move up and down as it moves back and forth. You'll get health and ESP pick-ups along the way. At the two fall-away paths, take the top path for a shield power-up, then go into the door below once you fall to it.

To get through the next section, use your shield power-up. As long as Lucia's dress is blue, she will not take damage, even from the lava. There is also a sound cue that will get faster when it is about to run out.  Use this to give yourself free reign to pound on the boss with your attack without taking any damage. Go through the door on the left. Jump your way to the next door. Once again, use your shield. You'll face the mini-boss you just destroyed. Use the shield and go to town, then grab the big heart. Drop down, head to the left while dealing with the volcanoes and the fireball enemy, then drop down and run left to the ladder. You'll soon be able to get to another door.

Jump the lava gap, and when you drop down to the fall-away floor, immediately run to the right and jump over the fireballs as you go. You'll avoid the droplets if you're fast and nimble enough. You'll reach another door. Go in, then equip your water bullets and destroy the orange circles that are in your way, as they will damage you. Climb up the ladder, enter the door and face the boss.

The boss here is a flying purple demon. Get close and hit this thing in the stomach, and stay close so its trail of fireballs that comes and goes - which moves in one of a few patterns when it comes out - won't hit you most of the time. You'll eventually defeat this thing and get an icon with what looks like a target on it, which gives you a fire bullet.

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