Saturday, November 28, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 1 of 5

I can't believe I played this. Part of me still finds it unbelievable that I beat this one.

This game is pretty short but pretty hard. Like in the movie, you have to stop The Joker from terrorizing Gotham City. However, the game takes liberties with the story of the movie, and as a result, you meet enemies - and bosses - who are not in the movie.

Left and Right allow you to move, Down lets you crouch, A lets you jump, B lets you attack/shoot, Select lets you pause the game, and Start lets you switch between your fists, the Batarangs, and a gun. If you hold A while jumping, you'll be able to glide. If you press A while jumping towards a wall, you'll be able to perform a wall jump.

The game begins with Batman coming out of the Batmobile. He then drops down when you reach the gameplay screen (Why? I dunno), and then you'll have control of Batman.

Stage 1

When you beat up enemies, you may get little blue squares. The B squares are bonus points, the missile squares give you ammunition for your weapons, and the heart will restore one unit of health. Your health is on the upper-left corner of the screen.

The guys running at you can easily be punched. The blue, spike tank-like enemies can be easily jumped over, but if you're on their level, they get faster, like that one enemy in the Mega Man series.

Wait for the flamethrower guys to stop shooting fire before walking up to them and hitting them.

Wait for the orange guys who stand still and fire to shoot their bullets, then jump over their bullets and hit them.

The blue mines will move towards you when you get close enough, then explode. Be ready to jump over them once you get next to them 

The jetpack enemies can be taken out with one or two Batarangs, but you can easily hit them with punches if they stop in front of you.

The ninja who leans on the background wall can easily be punched to death or pelted with Batarangs as long as you don't walk past him and don't keep him on-screen for too long. Otherwise, he attacks.

The boss here is Flame Moth. Equip the Batarang, then stay on the left or right side of the screen to avoid his dive and spread shot attacks. When he dives at you and gets close, hit him.

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