Saturday, June 26, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Flight of the Amazon Queen - Part 16 of 19

We finally helped Ian, but it doesn't exactly end well for us. However, we do get to open up more of the temple.

Enter the upper doorway where you played around with the pulley. Use the pickaxe on the stalactite in the room and grab the flint that drops to the floor. Use the flint on the lighter so you can use it. Then, use the pick-axe on the hole in the west side of the room to make it bigger. You'll end up in a new room, but you won't be able to do anything here yet.

Go back to the room with the giant snake. Use the mummy wrappings on the arm bone, then light the mummy wrappings with the lighter. You'll create a makeshift torch. Use the torch on the snake to get it to go away.

Go down the stairs and enter the doorway to the right. You'll end up in a previous room. Search the dead body for an ID card and a strange stone, which Joe will automatically take. Continuing west will take you to a large room with a statue, so go back and enter the room in the center. Go down the stairs and enter the doorway to the right. The stairs leading up leads back to the statue that you would have went to if you went west from the dead body, and you won't be able to go through the lasers blocking your path, so go west.

You'll trigger a cutscene where Dr. Ironstein meets with Anderson concerning the status of the zeppelin so he can fly into the valley and start his reign of terror. He also tells Anderson that Joe King will never bother him again, then leaves. Anderson starts to have second thoughts about his partnership with Dr. Ironstein...

You'll end up where you first met Ian. Go west and you'll see two waterfalls. There are eye indentations in the statue, and there is a big stick in a stone. Pick it up, and somehow, Joe will pull it out and put it in the inventory. Go back to the crypt from earlier and use the big stick on the crypt to open it. You'll lose the stick, but you'll open the crypt. Look inside, and you'll find a death mask, which Joe will automatically take. It is dirty, but you'll still have a little bit of the mummy wrappings left from when you made the torch. Use these wrappings on the mask to clean the dirt off of it.

Go back past where the snake was and return to the dead body. Go west, and then go east in the statue room. You'll be back at those stairs. To the right will be Ian. Pull the lever. Nothing will happen, but you will need to do this. Talk to Ian, and mention that you have a plan. Since you've hit the lever, you'll get the option of telling him to untie the rope tethering the cage. Ian will untie the rope at his feet. Hit the lever again, and Ian will be free. Unfortunately, Ian will draw a gun and tell Joe not to follow him. He will then walk away.

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